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Mikeys POV

Me, jack and Brooklyn was driving back from the shops. We pulled in the driveway and saw Elena driving out. Speeding down the road

Mikey- I wonder where is she off to

Brooklyn- she's going a bit fast...

Jack- watch out!!

I stomped on the breaks. Rye was inches infront of us. He moved out the way and I parked the car. Getting out immediately.

Mikey- rye you dick. What the hell is wrong with you?

I could tell he had been drinking and crying

Mikey- what's wrong? What's happened?

Rye- I didn't mean to do it... I was just angry at the thought and I took all my rage and jealously out on her

He was talking so fast

Mikey- woah woah calm down! What happened?

Rye- I slapped Elena...

Brooklyn- what?

Rye- I was angry at the thought of her and Andy together. I stormed in her room and started shouting. I can't remember what I said. But I smashed her mirror. I got to close and she shoved me away and then I got angry and slapped her...

Jack- mate...

Mikey- oh no...

Rye- I didn't mean to slap her... I just thought... I just wanted..

Mikey- you're in love with Andy aren't you...

He nodded. I put my hands on my head. Not knowing what to do.

Mikey- alright we need Andy. Guys take him inside and watch him. I'll call Andy.

Jack- alright. Come on mate

I was raging inside but I tried to keep my cool infront of him because I know when Andy hears about this. Hell is going to break loose.
I dialled andys number and the phone started ringing. He didn't answer the first time so I tried again.

Andy- hello?

Mikey- mate, where are you?

Andy- we're just leaving, why?

Mikey- get home as fast as you can, something bad has happened

Andy- what's happened?

Mikey- I'll tell you when you get here

Andy- alright, we'll be like 20 minutes

The phone call ended. I then tried calling Elena. But she didn't answer. I called her again but still no answer. I thought it would be best to leave her as she is probably in shock and wouldn't want to talk to anyone right now.
It had been 20 minutes and me, jack and Brooklyn were waiting in the kitchen. Rye was in his room. Andy then came through the door looking concerned

Andy- what's happened? Where's Elena?

Mikey- we don't know

Andy- what do you mean you don't know?

Mikey- her and rye had an argument. It got a bit violent

He paused for a second and then got angry

Andy- what did he do?

Brooklyn- he slapped her

Andy looked at us all and then ran upstairs. We all knew what was about to go down. He chased after him. He first looked in Elena's room. It was dark and messy. Then he slammed ryes door open

Andy- what did you do!?

Rye- I'm sorry andy... I didn't mean for it to go that far

Andy- you didn't mean for it to go that far? Why did you do it then! Tell me!

They started screaming at each other. It took us a couple of minutes before we could pull them apart. In the end, I took Andy outside while the others stayed with rye

Andy- I'm so angry. I need to call Elena...

Mikey- I tried calling her but she didn't answer

Andy- I'll try then

He called her 4 times but she didn't answer any of them

Andy- for fuck sake. What if something bad happens to her?

Mikey- i don't even want to think about it...

Andy- I can see where she's gone on find my iPhone. She's probably gone to Emma's

Mikey- i doubt it mate

Andy- she's at a hotel. About 40 minutes away.

Mikey- phone them and ask if she's there

Andy- yeah I might do. I'm going to go and see her

Mikey- yeah good idea.

Andy- I can't stay here tonight. Not with rye and I'm worried about Elena

Mikey- yeah go for it. We'll sort rye out

Andy's POV

I phoned the hotel Elena was at. I asked if she had booked in and they said they hadn't had anyone book in called Elena brookes. So I booked a room for us both for a couple of nights. It was just outside of London so we could spend some quality time together. I went upstairs and took a bag out from under my bed. I packed some clothes and other important things. Then I went into elena's room. I knew what elena's style was and lucky for her I had a good sense in fashion. So I picked some clothes out. I took her laptop and chargers. I roughly knew what girls used on their faces so I went to elena's desk and took the bag of makeup that was there. I took her curling wand and some skincare. I picked out a pair of shoes and a coat and then went to the bathroom and took some of her toiletries. I packed it all up and headed downstairs.

Rye- Andy...

Andy- don't rye. Please.

Rye- I want to talk

Andy- I'm angry at you rye. We can talk when I'm back

Rye- where are you going?

Andy- to see Elena.

Rye- oh

I then left and started to drive to the hotel

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