An unexpected turn...

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Elena's POV

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Elena's POV

It was the day of the wedding. I spent the night at Emma's house. We waited until all the bridesmaids arrived and the makeup and hair stylists. Everyone had they're makeup and hair done and then we got dressed and took loads of photos. After, we got into a limo and drove to the hotel where Emma was getting married but also where the reception was going to be.
The wedding was wonderful. I cried as my best friend was getting married! Finally!
A couple of hours later it was time for the party. I danced with mikey until Andy arrived. When I saw him I ran and hugged him

Andy- wow, you look incredible

I kissed him

Elena- your looking handsome yourself

I said while playing with his blazer. I brought him so where we were sitting and then we danced. We had been there for a few hours and guests started to go home.

Andy- I think it's time for me to head off too baby

Elena- oh alright

Andy- would you like me to drop you off at your hotel?

Elena- yes please

I said goodbye to Emma. It took my a while 15 minutes as I wouldn't be seeing her for a while, tears were involved and a lot of hugging. But finally we left. It was dark outside and we could hardly see where we were going

Andy- here

He picked me up bridal style and carried me to the car.

Andy- in you get my lady

Elena- thank you kind sir.

I got in the car and we drove to the hotel I was staying at.

Andy- I'll see you tomorrow, what time are you coming back?

Elena- I'm not sure yet. But I'll let you know. I love you Andy

He kissed me back.

Andy- I love you too princess. See you tomorrow

Elena- bye

Andy- bye baby

I went into the hotel and he left to go home.

Andy's POV

I drove back home. And headed straight to my room. I took off my blazer and put it over my chair. A knock came from my door

Rye- Andy it's me

I opened the door.

Andy- oh hi

Rye- your looking good

Andy- rye you can't keep doing this. I'm in a relationship.

I walked over to the window.

Rye- that won't stop me. I know you have feelings for me andy. You just won't admit it to yourself

Andy- so what if I do? I'm in a relationship with Elena. I love Elena. Have you been drinking?

Rye- do you think she's your soulmate?

Andy- yeah I do

Rye- does she love you as much as you love her?

Andy- of course she does

Rye- then she will forgive you easily

He came closer and pinned me against the wall. He started kissing me and undoing the buttons on my shirt and the night took an unexpected turn...

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