To Recklessly Go

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I feel the radiation crackling through my body. It doesn't hurt, but my insides itch.

"That's how you know it's working, dear," Mom says. "Doctor Einstein says so."

No, not that Dr. Einstein. She's referring to the self titled Dr. Einstein, genius supervillain and purveyor of illegal super power enhancements. Mom was so desperate for her daughter to be a superhero that she went to him.

Ironically, my mom used to be Righteous Sword, crusader for truth and justice. When she lost her powers, she went into a deep depression. She's trying to relive her glory years by giving me superpowers any way she can.

In all honesty, I'm psyched about the idea. Radioactive me up, doctor. I need to be extraordinary.

"Maybe we should take her to the hospital," Dad advises. "Even that crazy doctor you took her to said the odds of survival..."

"I'm standing right here and it's my decision, Dad," I protest.

Dad was never a superhero. He was a reporter who Mom saved from the Overlords. He was content to write about Mom's exploits while hiding in the sidelines.

"Honey. Look! You're glowing!" Mom cheers.

I feel warm light coalesce around my body like a lover. And now it's part of me.

"I think I can fly," I announce. "I mean, I know I can. Time for a test flight."

"Rae, wait," Dad says. "Take it slow. You know the laws say you can't leave Century City without a permit. You..."

"Later, Dad!" I say, not even sure if he can hear me. I sure as hell can't hear him. The next second I'm flying through the clouds. The cool mist is refreshing, then I'm above the atmosphere.

Some satellite hovers above me, and I'm not sure how to dodge it. With a loud clang, I collide but keep flying. Just like Einstein said, I should be invulnerable while I'm moving. Can't say the same for the piece of junk satellite. Hope it wasn't too important.

I don't even look back at Earth as I hurl straight for the sun. Just like I don't feel the cold of space, I barely register the sun's hellfire heat. I just breathe in the fumes like incense. The burning light is just a brief flash and I'm off again.

I fly through Saturn's rings and past some giant hunk of rock which might be Pluto. Our solar system bores me, so I fly for the bright lights in the distance.

I exceed light speed and hurl through bright suns which soon become tiny dots behind me. I see exploding supernovas. I zip past a galactic war. There are living planets that call out to me telepathically, but I've got better things to do.

There don't seem to be any limits to my powers, but as Einstein said, the faster I go, the hungrier I'll get. Time to swing back to earth for Dad's barbecue chicken as a pick-me-up before I attempt a black hole.

I gaze around the dots of countless stars in the distance when I realize going home isn't possible.

Crap. I'm lost.

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