Florence Pack- Part 2

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I wake up suddenly in the middle of the night, my heart pounding. I look out of the window to see it is still pitch black outside. I swing my legs out of bed, and my bear feet hit the cold floor. My shoes are next to my bed, and my cloak is folded neatly next to them. 'Liam' I think, smiling. I know I won't be able to get back to sleep after my dream. I was in Volterra castle, fire was all around me. Long story short, I wasn't able to save my family... or Liam.

I walk to the door, open it, and peer out into the corridor. The coast is clear. I tip-toe across to Liam's room and quietly slip inside. His lamp is on and he is awake, like he is expecting me.

"Hey," He says, getting out of bed and rushing towards me. "What's wrong?" He asks, wiping tears from my cheeks I didn't even know were there. He guides me to the bed and he sits, whilst I stand in front of him. I explain the dream to him and I start crying again. He cradles me in his arms until I calm down.

"Thank you." I mumble into his chest. Before he can answer, I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him, pulling him close. The hug lasts longer than expected. I pull back to see him smiling at me. Then I do something that only a few days ago I would have found disgusting; I kiss him. We only come together for a few short moments but I know it is enough to say I love him. Wow I never thought I'd think that in my life. But it's true, I do love him.

He smiles at me when I pull back and I can tell that he is speechless. Neither of us expected that to happen.

"Good night." I say as I walk back to the door and smile back at him.

"Good... Good night." He replies, astounded. I shut the door behind me and walk back quietly to my room. Once I enter, I take a deep breath and return back to the warmth of the bed. 

Upon waking up, my mind replays the last few scenes of my dream; the Romanians keeping my family captive. The sun's warmth comes out of the window and onto my face, the heat is what wakes me up. I moan as I stretch and get out of bed. I hear chatter in the kitchen as I walk down the corridor. A warm smell leads me to everyone leaning on the island, looking at a map, while Lara is cooking at the stove. I wander into the kitchen expecting to see my mate, but he is no-where to be seen. Everyone looks my way when I walk in, Lara is the only one who greets me with a hug and smile.

"Here, guests first." She hands me a plate of what she calls scrambled eggs. It's delicious, and it fills my tummy ready for the day of travelling ahead. Lara explains that the boys have been planning the fastest and easiest way to Volterra. The pack explains everything to me; where the treaty lines are, where it would be safest not to go, and where we can get a car. Lara thought it would be better if we had one as we can't walk that far. Wayne explains where Liam can hunt.

"Speaking of Liam, where is he?" I ask, I haven't seen him all morning. Just at that moment he emerges from what must be the bathroom. He has some clean clothes on and his hair is wet. He sees me first, and blushes. Lara breaks the silence.

"I thought you two could use a shower, I have some clean clothes for the trip too." She hands me some boots, black leggings, a grey t shirt and a black hoodie. I thank her, and go to take a shower.

Once I come out, warm and clean, Liam is ready to go. As soon as he looks at me, he looks shocked. I forget he has never seen me with my hair down, it's still wet and slightly curly.

"You ready to go?" He asks me, putting a backpack on his back.

"Yep," I turn to Lara, "Thanks Lara for everything and thank you guys for letting us stay." I say to the pack. They all nod in unison and Lara pulls me into a hug. Liam hugs her after and he hugs the pack goodbye. We are waved off as we walk, hand in hand, out into the forest and towards Volterra... 

Here we go guys, God three chapters in one day, you guys must be lucky, well as always make sure to leave a comment and vote. Adios fellow readers.

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