Chapter 36

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"Em, princess. It's 6:00 you should eat dinner." I heard Cameron trying to wake me up, "I ordered Domino's and Ben and Jerry's." he said disappointed knowing I would get up for pizza. "I'm up." I said sitting up slowly. "Wow, I'm sad to say that I knew you would get up only for pizza and ice cream." Cameron said as we walked over to the kitchen area. "I'm a typical American teenager, pizza and ice cream can wake me up from anything." I said shoving pizza in my mouth. "I guess." he said doing the same thing. "I should really not be eating pizza and ice cream but I honestly can't resist." I said opening the ice cream, "Save me some." Cameron said jumping up, "Then get over here." I was sitting on the couch and he was in the kitchen area, Cameron like a child ran, jumped over the couch and next to me. "You don't have a spoon." I said laughing at him, "I don't need one." he said grabbing mine from my hand. We turned on, on the iPad, we watched Midnight in Paris. Cameron and I layed out cuddling on the couch with ice cream and one spoon watching the movie. "Do you know how incredibly cheesy it is for us to be watching a movie about a couple in Paris, while we are in Paris?" Cameron whispered in my ear, "Incredibly, we can go sight seeing tomorrow. I promise." I said. The night was nice, we didn't have to be anywhere or really do a whole lot. It was just Cam and I, the way I liked it. I fell asleep during the movie, and I felt Cameron pick me up and put me in bed. Cam got in with me holding me tight, and whispered, "I love you babe." I fell back asleep. 

Next Day: 

I got up and showered quickly throwing on a hoodie and leggings. No need to do my make up or even attempt to dry my hair because some was going to do it for me once I got to the photo shoot anyway. Cameron got up showered, did his hair, put clothes on and we left. We got in the car but it didn't go the same ways as last time, "Cam where are we going?" I asked, "I will tell you when we get there." He responded. No more than 5 minutes later we arrived at Starbucks, "Cameron, you are turning me into the definition of white girl." I said looking at him before we got out, "I love it!!" I smiled. "When we get home, you are getting a Starbucks card because with the amount of money we spend on here, we could get the gold card pretty quick." Cam said as we walked in. I ordered a Vanilla Frappe and fruit salad. Cameron being the fun yet tortures boyfriend he is got a chocolate doughnut and a Chocolate Viennois Meil Amande. As he order I stared at him as he laughed, "You suck, I'm technically not even supposed to be drinking this frappe. I actually should have gotten tea. You are buying me more Starbucks once this shoot is over." I said Cam just laughing at me. We got back into the car and actually went to the shoot this time. I got in my dressing room, sipping on my frappe, while they did my hair and make up again. Both combined took abotu 3 hours and I was ready for this part to be over so I could move again. I was handed lingre to wear, and my pink silk Victoira's Secret robe to put on over it. I came out of the dressing room and Cam was the only one there, I walked over and hugged him, "Hi babe." he said kissing the top of my head. "I would kiss you but they just spend I swear 15 minutes on your lipstick alone." he said into my hair, I laughed. "Emily, we are ready for you." someone yelled threw the door, I put the heels on my feet and walked out, Cam right behind me. The set was pretty cool actually and a couple of the other angels were with me which made the experience 10x better. I changed a couple time, both my hair and make up. We were done by noon, I changed into baby blue pants, a plain black tshirt, baby blue beanie hat over my Victoria's Secret curled hair, and all black vans. "Ready to go Princess?" Cameron said as I walked out, "Yep!!" I said grabbing his hand as we left. "Where are we going now?" I asked, "You will see." he said with a misterious look on his face. The car dropped us off in the middle of Paris, "Are you going to tell me where we are all going, or are you going to make we wait and see?" I asked as we began walking. "I'm making you wait." Cam said with a devilish grin on his face. "First off, your second Starbucks trip of the day." We walked in and pretty much switched orders from this morning Cameron now getting a vanilla frappe and me getting a chocolate viennois meil amande. "Where are we eating lunch?" I asked as we walked out of Starbucks, "I know we are in Paris and should try to embrase new culture or something like that but we are eating American food." Cam said laughing, "I'm perfectly fine with eating American food." I said laughing back. We walked until we got to a restaurant called Ralph's. We sat down, our drink order was taken as we looked over the menu. "Hey Cam, if I liked burgers I could have one now!!!" I said, Cameron looked up from his menu and laughed at me, "I might just get one." Cameron said as the watress came back with our drinks. After lunch, we walked to the Arc de Triomphe when we decided it was time to go back to the hotel. "When do we leave again?" Cameron asked as we walked threw the door, "Sunday/" I said laying face down on the bed. "You do remember Valentines day is tomorrow right?" he asked looking at me, "Yep, but your present is at home." I said. "" he asked jumping on the bed, I looked up, "I'm not telling you." I said. Our night was spend the way we usually spend them with ordered food and movies.

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