Chapter 30

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I woke up at 8 and my meeting with Victoria's Secert was at 10:30. I curled my hair, did my make up and got dressed. I put on a  strapless navy blue, white polka dot dress, nude jacket and navy heels. Cameron showered, as I did my hair and we left. The driver took us to the meeting and Chad met us there. "Hey Chad." Cam and I said as we walked into the lobby, "Hey guys, Emily I looked over the contract already so your all good to sign it. We will be talking over your schedule for the next couple months between photoshoots, fittings and the fashion show, in which will be in December so we got time." Chad finished. I suddenly got a panicked look on my face as I looked to Cam, "Can you give us a minute, Chad?" Cameron asked, "Yeah, I will get you when the call us for the meeting." Chad said as I walked away. "Whats wrong babe?" Cam asked as he grabbed my hands, "I'm scared, like this is a really big deal. Like what if I gain weight or something happens with our relationship because I'm gone all the time. You have seen the way I eat I mean I don't work out unless I'm forced to and I eat extremely unhealthy sometimes." I said with tears in my eyes. "Don't cry princess your tiara is falling." he said kissing my head, tears starting coming down my face, "Hey Crazy, don't worry about it. They loved you, they want you. Do you know how many girls try and get the job your getting.And I'm not going to let anything happen to our relationship, ever. I want to come with you anytime I can, okay?" Cameron finsihed, they called our appointment.Cam lifted my chin up and looked at me I looked up at him, whiped the tears off my face and said, "I'm ready." He smiled back at me as we walked in to the meeting hand in hand. The meeting went just as Chad told us it would, I signed my contract, and we arranged my schedule for the next couple months. Okay Emily, we need you in Paris for a photoshoot in 2 weeks. So that pretty much means, make sure your eating healthy, drinking lots of water and working out." the director told me, "Okay." I said as we walked out. Chad worked on getting me a kick boxing trainer and nutritionist. We went back to the hotel and ordered pizza and of course dessert pizza too. "Okay once we get home I have to eat healthy. And because you guys don't make your own dinner, you get to eat healthy too!!" I said laughing and taking a bite of pizza. "That probably means I have to stop drinking too." I said sadly, "Yeah probably but that is a good thing. We can eliminate that off your coping with depression list too. Speaking of that have you been feeling better since you live in La?" Cam asked, "I feel alot better. I still doubt myself alot but I'm getting better. I just hope my anorexia doesn't get out of control, but that's been getting better too." I said, "Well I'm glad that you living with me and the guys helps you." Cam said. "Speaking of LA, I kinda want to go home tomorrow." I said, "Okay, I will text Chad and he can get us a flight." Cam said getting his phone out. Once he got our plane tickets for tomorrow at noon, we decided to go ice skateing at the Rockefeller Center. We decided to walk and stop at Starbucks on the way.I got a salted carmal hot chocolate and so did Cam. We kept walking until we got there. Once we got there we rented skates and got on the ice. "Wow, Cam we got better at this." I said skating around, us hand in hand. "Okay, let's try and do it by ourselves." Cam said. As soon has he let go of my hand he fell on the ice, I started laughing and then asked, "Are you okay?", "I'm fine, but maybe you should hold onto me so you don't fall." he said slowly getting up. "Okay, whatever boosts your confidence." I said as he grabbed my hand. After about 2 hours we decided to leave, while we walked I decided I wanted candy, "Hey Cam, we should go get candy." I said with enthusiasm, "Okay we could go to that toy store, they have alot of candy." He said responded just as excited as I was, "Umm FAO Schwarz?" I asked, "YEAH, that one." he practically screamed. We walked to the toy store and I was amazed, not just at the size of the place but it made me feel like a kid again. You don't know the feeling of momentarly feeling like your a kid again, while we were in this store, I felt like I was 5 again. I had no problems, everything in my world was perfect, I didn't have depression, wasn't suicudal, I wasn't getting daily hate because of who my boyfriend of, it was perfect. Cameron and I walked threw the store and took pictures with just about anything we found interesting. Once I found the big piano, it was hard to get me to leave it, Cam vined me playing on it. "What did we come here for again?" I asked, "Uhhh, I forgot we had a reason,but candy." he said. We made it over to the candy and got alot more that we should have. We got just about every type of candy that sounded good at the time, sour, sweet, chocolate, gummy, anything really. We checked out and it was about 7 by the time we left. We got back to the hotel and pretty much had candy for dinner. We started watching Friends with Benefits and laying in bed, when I realized Cameron hadn't been looking at the tv for at least 5 minutes. "What are you looking at?" I asked him, he just looked at me and smiled, "You." he said. I looked down at what I was wearing, which was gray pajama pants and an old tshirt. "I'm not even dressed good." I told him, "You look amazing no matter what you wearing." he said back with a smile on his face, "Gawsh, I love you so." I said as we kissed. I cuddled in with Cam and we fell asleep. We woke up at 8 to Cameron's alarm clock on his phone. I crawled over him and turned it off, in the process of laying on top of him, which I decided not to move. "Hey, Em?" Cameron asked, "Yeah." I said half awake, "I gotta shower so we can leave which kinda means you can't lay on me." he said. I rolled over on to the other side of the bed and fell back asleep. I was woken up by Cam an hour later, "Babe, we have to leave in about a half hour." he said picking me up bridal style. I put my head against his chest, he kissed my head, "I will turn the shower on if you don't wake up." he said laughing. I woke up instantly and he put me down, in a half hour I was dressed, hair done and makeup on ready for the airport. Once we got our tickets and made our way threw security, we stopped at Starbucks I got a frappe. "Hey Cam, can we get Taco Bell because that sounds really really good right now?" I asked, "Sure, by the time we get home it will be past lunch but more like dinner feeling to us." he said. We walked to Taco Bell, ate and made it to the gate just as they called our flight. I got on the plane and everything was the same as last time except we already knew what to do. As soon as I could I was laying in Cameron's lap, listening to our playlist on his phone as he rubbed my back. I managed to sleep the whole way home again and we were home by 2 pm. Nash and Hayes were at the airport to pick us up. "NASHY!!!!!!!!" I screamed, as I ran to him, he held his arms open as I jumped into them. Cameron walked slowly behind me, he was jealous and I could tell. "Hey Nash. Hey Hayes." he said as I walked back over to him. It was silent all the way home. Cameron took our stuff out of the car, left it at the front door and walked away. "What's wrong with him?" Hayes asked, "He's jealous. I will fix it." I said as I walked up the stairs. I knew exactly where he was, on the balcony. He left the screen door open and he didn't hear me but I could hear him crying. Hearing him cry is honestly the worst sound in the world, he didn't hear me until I started crying behind the screen. "Cam what's wrong?" I asked threw tears, "You know exactly what's wrong." he practically yelled walking away from me, "Cameron don't do this." I said following him, "Don't do what Emily, what do you want from me. You like Nash more than you like me. If it wasn't for me you wouln't even fucking be here. You would have nothing if it wasn't for me." now he was screaming. "I'm sorry Cam, okay I'm sorry. I told you I don't like him like that, he's like my big brother. I would never ever ever leave him for you. Ever since I have known about you guys, granted I knew Nash first, I always loved you. I would never hurt you like that." now I was screaming and crying. "Whatever Emily." Cameron said walking away, this time I didn't follow him. I went back into our room and bawled, I layed on the floor in a ball. Then I remembered something I hid in here where Cam wouldn't find it. I grabbed the knife out of the black vase of my paint brushes. I grabbed my beats headphones out of the nightstand, plugged in my phone, as I ran the blade across my wrist. It didn't bleed at first but I kept running it across my wrist until it bleed too much. My vison was going black as I hit the floor, I heard Nash screaming at the door, but I couldn't say anything. He broke threw the door and saw me on the floor, he grabbed a towel out of the bathroom and wrapped my wrist. As soon as pressure was applied to my wrist, my vision came back, "Where's Cam?" I asked looking up at Nash, "I'm right here sweetheart. I'm soo sorry Emily, I never ment to hurt you." Cam said with tears still in his eyes. I sat up and Cam hugged and said, "I'm sorry Cameron."

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