Chapter 38

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I woke up and knew I was leaving Paris today. Even tho I loved Paris I was glad to be going back home. I was beginning to love the idea of living in LA and traveling all over the world. Plus I got paid to travel which was amazing to me. Cameron woke me up at eight so we could be at the airport and on a plane by 10. The jet lag actually doesn't affect me a whole lot, I'm a night person so it was actually pretty easy now. The nine hour time difference was going to be interesting going back in time. Thankfully the 12 hour plane ride was going to be directly to LA and then I could go home and sleep. I got dressed in a baggy plain black t-shirt, mint skinny jeans, all black vans, black leopard snapback and silver knot ring. I loosely braided my hair and put my hat on. I did light make up like usual and the rest of that stuff. I had most of my stuff packed, I threw my last couple things in my suitcase and put it by the door. Cameron showered while I got ready, got dressed and was ready to go. "Ready to go?" he asked grabbing me by the waist. "Ready when you are." I said, rolling our suitcases behind us and our hands joined together we walked threw the hotel to the car, taking us to the airport. We got to the airport and did the whole bag check, security thing and waiting for our flight. Our flight was called and I wasn't in the best mood. We found our seats and sat down. I rested my head on Cameron's shoulder, "I know babe, we will be home in twelve short hours." he said. Normally I would have a different response but I was soo done with everything that I just nodded. The plane people did their normal thing and I wanted to take off already. The plane started to take off and I closed my eyes tight, with my hand gripping Cameron's. "Still scared?" he asked, I nodded again. "Hold my hand, I won't let go, Nothing will ever happen to you." he said as he kissed the top of my head. As soon as I could, I took off my seatbelt and layed in Cameron's lap. He gave me his phone, I plugged in my ear buds, unlocked his phone and turned on Eminem. Cameron started rubbing my back, shortly I fell asleep. I woke up with Cameron's iPad on my head, instead of sitting up and his iPad falling I decided to text it. "Really Emily, you could have said something." Cameron said taking his iPad off me as I sat up in my own seat. "Now, what's the fun in that?" I asked with a huge smile on my face. "Hey, your smiling and laughing and talking again for the first time today." he said. "Yeah, I got to sleep." I said. "Wanna watch a movie?" he said handing me the ipad, "Sure." I said. Cameron grabbed the double headphone jack out of his backpack as I clicked on the Fault in Our Stars. "What time will we even be getting home?" I asked, "I have no clue but you slept for about 3 hours. So we have about 9ish hours left." Cameron said skipping the credits. I was perfectly fine with his answer, I sat and watched the movie with my amazing boyfriend. More like layed on and watched a movie but close enough. We watched over a dozen movies and Cameron started getting pretty hyper by the time the plane finally landed. We walked threw the airport, hand in hand, found our bags and made it to the car. "I missed this weather soo much." I said putting my sunglasses over my eyes. "Me too." Cameron said. We found the car, threw our stuff in the back and drove home. "You do realize we haven't eaten anything except for that crappy meal we got on the plane right?" I said, as we drove, "Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Do you want to get food and then go home?" Cameron asked, "Sure. Pick a place." I said turning the radio on. "Let's try The Apple Pan." Cameron said getting off the interstate. I looked at him with a weird look on my face, "It's a diner, and you will like it. Trust me." Cameron said. We pulled into the parking lot and went into the diner. I will admit the place is kinda cute, and the food was pretty good too. After we ate, we paid and got back in the car. "I'm ready for a nap." I said, taking off my shoes, "Your the one who has slept the most." Cameron said laughing at me. "Well, I'm tired. Can we cuddle and watch The Secret Life of the American Teenager?" I said kinda whiny. "Fine." Cam said giving in, "Thank you." I said kissing his cheek. No more than, 15 mins later we were home. I grabbed my suitcase and walked to the apartment. Cameron unlocked the door, we left our bags at the door, and hit the couch. Cameron turned on Netflix as we started watching the first season of The Secert Life of the American Teenager, all cuddled up in my blanket. "I feel like this is all we do." I said, "Yeah, it is but think about it, what else are we going to do. And we both love this. So why change it?" I looked up at him. "Your right." I said as I cuddled back into his chest. We made it half way threw the season and neither one of us actually fell asleep. Nash walked threw the door,"Well look whos home." he yelled, Cameron and I got off the couch. "Hey man." Cameron said giving him a hug, "Hey Nashy." I said hugging him. "So how was Paris? It looked pretty great from Instagram.Nice job on the scavenger hunt thing." Nash said, "You put it on Instagram?" I asked, "Yeah, the funny thing is, is that I put it on before you even started, but I knew you weren't going to check." Cameron said laughing. 

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