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Any hope of escape was now completely diminished in my mind. Monokuma went on to explain the rules of this 'fun game'. "This is how the game will go... Questions about Ouma will be submitted by all of you and will be in order of intensity. The Monocubs and I will also be adding in some questions! If Kokichi answers clearly, no shock! If he answers but his answer is hard to understand he gets a low voltage shock! ...And if he doesn't answer...he gets a high voltage shock!" He explains "With each unanswered question, the voltage will increase. The game will either end when all the questions are answered or when he is deemed....unable to play. Due to his previous loss in guessing, the starting voltage will be ten times the original starting voltage!" I nod to show that I understood.




"Let our game...begin!!!"




I sat in the electric chair,  trying not to shiver. The fear I feel is indescribable but, I've felt worse. I look to the crowd, I need to try and make sure I don't reveal too much. I lock eyes with Shuichi and a strange calmness waves over me, as if I'm being hugged. A warmth, almost. In this moment, I try to smile. I need to try.

Monokuma starts speaking again "I have now collected all questions! They have been mechanically sorted in order, however, there is one 'question' that is providing an error because it's not a question. Somebody put a statement....now, usually I would skip it but...it's so interesting. I just have to read it!" He exclaimed "Of course, I can't shock Kokichi because it's not a question..."

"Don't say a word, you know what I mean."

A chill was sent through my spine, I knew who it was from. The shaking got worse and I could see Rantaro smirking in the back. Tenko looked back to him and he quickly changed his expression. I nodded quickly to him.

"What's your favorite color?"

I think for a moment before coming to the answer. 
"My favorite color is Blue." I say, looking to Saihara.

"Do you have a journal or diary?"

"I've had many in my lifetime" I respond, aiming for a low voltage shock. If Amami knew I had one currently, he'd do anything to find it. 

The shock hits me and lasts for a few seconds. It didn't hurt much but I know it'll pile up, i've done this before.

"Who is D.I.C.E?"

I look down for a moment, wondering how they are doing now. Do they miss me? Are they okay? Did mom find them? "D.I.C.E is my organization that I lead." I answer honestly.

"Are you okay?"

I laugh. I know it's not the time but really, truly, how in the world would my answer be yes? I'm strapped to an electric chair, dumb-ass.  "No, absolutely not. I'm strapped to an electric chair, what do you think?"

In the crowd I hear a few chuckles. I see Kiibo's cheeks are a bit flushed and Kaito who looked pissed at me. I don't understand whats up his ass.

"Why don't you eat breakfast?"

Don't say a word [ s a i o u m a ]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat