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Tari's POV:

As I stormed off I was wondering why Belle kidnapped him from me was it because for me to not concentrate? Was it cause that she knew I love him to death to make my heart shatter? I don't know what it is all I know is that I got hurt and heart broken , and he was strong enough but then again he was knocked out so he couldn't do anything.

While I was thinking of this lucks looked at me smiling with his devil self and said.....

" Tari are you ready to become the meta speed runner there ever was?"

"U-uhm no cause you forgot someone else too."

He looked at me weird and then I said y/n and he laughed and sounded like a tire deflating.

I started to cry a lil bit and told him it's not funny, and he stopped and looked at me cause he knew he broke me but it's lucks he wouldn't care regardless.

As I walked up everyone cheered for me chanting my name and Belle and Evelyn looked at me with a villian face on them, but I was out of the blue masa lemar , and Sofia all came in disguises and surprise me by attending....... At least that's what I thought...

Y/N's POV:

As my heart break more and more masa came up to me and told me there going to break Tari out of tascorp during the competition.

I told him no , but he didn't want to listen to me at all so therefore he told me to put a mask on and it wasn't a mask like for doctors it was a disguise mask for security guard type stuff.

He told me to keep calm and relax and stay in motion and follow his lead therefore I did.

And I saw Tari in the front of my eyes I couldn't believe it I blushed through the mask and Lemar and masa shit the lights off and got Tari Belle and lucks we got them outside..

* Outside of the arena *

We were all out there I hugged Tari like no tmrw she did the same thing.

Masa them handed me the gun and point it at lucks but if you knew me I was scared to do stuff like this.

Masa was starting to get tired of me saying no so he did it for himself but only little did he know something terrible will happen something that the whole world wouldn't see........

Something was starting to happen in masa's arm and making him to he force to point it at him then a electric spark and.... Silence.......

As we knew it the second that thing went off luck's body fell down to the ground lifeless everyone was in shock I held Tari hard as she cried in my chest. Belle told us to run and we ran all the way till there is no tmrw I tried and grabbed her , but she told us that she would stay but I said to bad and grabbed her arm and ran away with her while masa was there lifeless as he looks like he turned into stone...........

* couple months have went by and masa got released from jail but decided to take the route of home arrest, but then after that Belle did something very Intresting with y/n and tari*

Belle's POV:

I decided to do something special for the 2 love birds I decided to let them go out to eat and hopefully he will finally ask the stupid question for months.

I told y/n about the thing he said that's great so I took them to Mama's Casa it's a 5 star restaurant that's up in the air and it's amazing , and my ex took me up there and that is the only thing I liked through the relationship... sorry if I sound like a gold digger but he treated me like a dog. Anyways

I told them to get dressed and I picked tari's dress out to match with her hair , same thing for y/n but I wanted them to match so I did..

"Thank you so much Belle wow I really didn't think you have a taste of fancy dressing?"

" it's a lil secret that nobody knows hehe but uhm anyways I think your driver is waiting for y'all"

It was soo cute I just had to turn red with these 2 cause there soooooo adorable.

They were wrapping each other's arms with another and him letting her go in with the door opening was adorable , wait this is not how the way I am why am I blushing for Tari she's ugly I could've been way better I have the bigger boobs and ass and a lil taller jeez......

Hey guys miss me I know I haven't been here in like a year but no worries I'm here promise and I'm not sure for permanently I've been dealing with soo many stuff but anyways don't forget to vote just remind me about the date part hehe anyways love ya

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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