Cake, Cake and more cake

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Shane Pov

The wedding was coming sooner and sooner, and there were still a bunch of things that weren't done. The wedding was in about 1 month and a few weeks. Thinking about it made me nervous , it would be like me to fuck up somehow . In 2 weeks we already had the wedding rehearsal, and not all the roles were given out yet. The concusion was not helping either , the doctor said I should be better in time for the wedding , if anything we would postpone it. The wedding was giving me so much anxiety , I had gone to the therapist more often , or I would probably go crazy. On the other hand Lisa was holding pretty well , or she was just amazing in hiding her anxiety . I just would hope she would talk to me about it , my therapist had said if you keep it in your bound to do something stupid , to express your frustration , and we desperately did not need this. I finished putting on my shirt and headed out the door. Lisa was waiting for me in the car , we were on our way to try cakes for the wedding , then we would go to get decorations for the wedding such as flowers , and then finally were going to buy my suit for the wedding . Just thinking about the day made me tired , I couldn't wait till the wedding was done. Before I left I gave Corny a big wet kiss on her shout (just how she like it ) and left , blowing kisses at her . (It's Lisa and I routine when we leave Corny all alone ) I closed the door and headed towards the car.

"I'm here" I said opening the car door

"5 hours later " Lisa said annoyed "isn't it sepose to be the girl last ?"

"Had to get my beauty sleep , so I could have energy to dance in the car " I said pretending to twerk

"Better have better moves then Beyonce, sweetie " Lisa said laughing

She started the engine and we were on our way , rolling down the long almost empty roads.

"It sounds as if everyone decided to sleep in " she said looking at the road

"Lucky assholes" I said turning on the radio

As to get me more annoyed Taylor Swift started playing.

"Wow my favorite song " I said sarcasticly

I pretended to get ready to sing her song , took a deep breath and sung at the top of my lungs

(To the ridom of Shake it of)

"I'm a cunt , I'm a cunt , I block parodies for no fkn reason , Im a cunt , I'm a cunttttttttt" at the same time I added awesome dance moves , shaking my whole torso.

Lisa was dying of laughter "this is why I love you" she said in glee

"Let's have a duo "I said "sing along! "

"Cunt , cunt, cunttttttt " we both sang as loud as possible , surprisingly not breaking the windows .

"That was beautiful " Lisa exlained once the song was done "did you hear the harmony"?

I pretended to wipe a tear from my cheek "Where's Simon Cowell when you need him"?!

Next song that came up was John Legend All of me.

"Ladies and gentlemen this song is dedicated to my bitch aka love of my life aka Lisa Schartz

And I started singing , using my actually good singing voice . The whole time I tried to keep eye contact at the same time driving the car . At the end , Lisa joined in and of course we were the best duet ever .


We arrived at the cake factory at 12:00 just in time for brunch .

Inside we were greeted by a fat Italien who introduced himself has Chef Giancarlo .

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