Chapter one

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The skies were a fresh pale blue as the nymphs slowly cascaded down the hills. At the top stood a tall woman. A long sage green dress with golden embroidery. A pair of ruby earrings with a simple golden necklace with a gem. Her presence alone was conflicting. Her looks were warm and welcoming, almost motherly. But her aura was cold, demeaning, Being in her presence made most bow down in the overwhelming sense of respect. It was deadly. Looking down towards the side of the woman was a smaller girl. A shorter pink dress with frills and lace. A small pair of pearl earrings, as her mother said, anything else on a little girl her age was unacceptable. Though she was not as little as her mother constantly forgot. A pair of flats, though she would rather be barefoot running through the meadows with the nymphs feeling the grass in between her toes, the slight moisture for the soil as her and her mother got into an argument and her mother punished the mortals, for her emotions were out of control. The mother gripped her hand and smirked as another suitor approached her daughter. She would never let one of those filthy dogs touch her precious flower, they were to look and admire but never touch. The younger sighed and slightly rolled her eyes. Tired of being put on display. Unfortunately, her mother purposely taken the knife and slit Persephone's throat one too many times. Dangling her in front of her "suitors" like a piece of meat. She wishes to be wed to anyone to escape the ever burdening clutches of her mother. She felt as if she was in a room and it slowly started to fill with water. Now she took her last breath and went under, and she prayed to Zeus her mother would open the gate and let her leave. But alas her hopes were soon crushed as she heard her mother's voice.

"Persephone '' her voice was void and detached '' Stop squirming and moving Apollo is coming and he now knows he has competition for your hand in marriage and I won't allow you to ruin it by trying to rebel. I will say this once and once only..."

She turned and flipped Persephone to face her. Suddenly a stinging sensation went across her face. Her hand flew up in shock as she had never felt this... pain?... She had no idea what her mother did. All she knew is to listen so it won't happen again. Her mother gripped her face and brought it closer to her ear. She leaned in and whispered so quietly Persephone almost missed it.

"Don't disappoint me"

**AUTHORS NOTE** Should I make the chapters longers? Or Is this a good length that you all enjoy? Word count:  469

PomegranateOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora