5 | secrets.

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        " i'm afraid that you'll go away one day "

yeonjun waits outside of the mirror hesitantly, as an hour has already passed since soobin had entered beomgyu's mirror.

he bites his lip in fear as he looks around to the other mirrors, as only two have remained untouched


"don't fall in the mirror above you"

as he stared at the two untouched mirrors, guilt took over his whole body

"i've been useless, i need to contribute..."

he taps his foot hesitantly, thinking that the only right thing he can do is go into the mirror and save one of the two.

"would soobin be upset? since he told me not to?"

he held his head in pain as he looks up, without thinking, he takes a deep breath and enters the mirror of:


at that instant, beomgyu and soobin hopped out of beomgyu's mirror. they fall to the ground in exhaustion, as soobin looks up and to his surprise

yeonjun was gone

"i thought you said yeonjun would be here" beomgyu says, with more of a questioning tone

"he should be.." he paints a confused look on his face as he calls yeonjun's name. soobin looks around and only sees the two mirrors, as beomgyu's had vanished once him and soobin had hopped out of it

"no....NO NO NO PLEASE NO!!" soobin falls to the ground and bangs his fist on the ground in frustration, causing it to bleed. beomgyu rushes to the ground to prevent soobin from hurting himself any further

"SOOBIN STOP!" beomgyu yells as he sits next to soobin, looking at the two mirrors left

"what happened, what's wrong?" beomgyu asks soobin, full of fear in his voice

"i think yeonjun went into one of the mirrors" soobin rubs his forehead in frustration. beomgyu, still confused, helps soobin up

"how do you know for sure?"

"once you step into this room, you can't escape until you've failed or rescued all of the people trapped" soobin says "he didn't leave, he entered one of the mirrors" he says as his sits back onto the ground and places his face in his knees

"what's so wrong with letting yeonjun go into the mirrors inste-"

"BECAUSE I NEED TO!" soobin screams, cutting beomgyu off, "ITS MY DUTY." beomgyu slowly removes his hand off of soobin's shoulder

"w-what do you mean..." beomgyu says, in fear

"forget i said anything" soobin said, as he stands up and paces around the room

"no, what is it?"

soobin gives beomgyu a look, as beomgyu waits in response

"going into the mirror and saving all of the people in it comes with a price... of yourself" soobin says as his eyes begin to become tearful

"i-i don't understand"

"if i save all of you, it means that i will disappear. i won't be able to be saved." soobin's voice breaks as he continues

"but now that yeonjun has risked his life, if he manages to save the person in that mirror.. he will be in the same boat. it's either him or me that will disappear..and i need to do it so none of you get hurt"

soobin's tears fall onto the concrete floor as a piece of beomgyu's heart breaks. he's never seen this side of soobin, at such a fragile state. soobin has always chosen to put the others before himself, seeing him like this tore the both of them

"no.. how can i stop you from disappearing??" beomgyu says, quietly as his voice starts to break with his heart shattering

soobin nods his head, beomgyu already knowing what the response was

hearing that there's no way to stop soobin from disappearing tore beomgyu apart as tears fell from his eyes uncontrollably,

his eyes shining in the light that dawned upon them from the light in the mirror room

"w-why would you do that to yourself?"


"why would you go into the mirrors and save us if, in the end, you'll disappear?!!" beomgyu screams as he falls to the ground, crying

"because i had to beo-"

"NO YOU DIDNT!!" beomgyu cuts soobin off, yelling. but his yells weren't angry yells. they were upset and sad that he now knows soobin will disappear

beomgyu shakes his head in regret that soobin ever told him. he would never forgive himself if he let soobin do this.

beomgyu crouches in a spot on the floor, as he mumbles, constantly,

"we need to be as five again.."

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