Larissa X Fiona

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Larissa was a old lady that Jonas had to bathe.

Larissa x Fiona

Fiona watched as Asher left the House of The Old. After all, she was all alone in the House of The Old with Larissa and no one else.

¨Fiona, come here!¨ Larissa cooed. Fiona walked towards Larissa. What did Larissa want? She winked at Fiona. ¨Get a little closer, dear.¨

¨Oh-¨ Fiona was cut off.

¨ Shh, sit in my lap, sweetie.¨ Larissa sat down on the bench and pulled Fiona in her her old, saggy, wrinkly lap. She held Fiona's hands.

¨What are you doing?¨ Fiona asked.

¨Trust me on this,¨ Larissa whispered. She leaned in and kissed Fiona.

Fiona began to blush.  Was this what Jonas meant when he rambled about love? This felt so good to her even if the community thought it was wrong.

Then, it hit her. The Elders know everything. They know what someone eats, does, where they live or what they do with someone else. The Elders would tell everyone about this. She would be release for being in love with Larissa.

¨Larissa, I have to go.¨ Fiona got off of Larissa's lap. She grabbed her bag and ran.

¨Fiona! What's going on?!¨ Larissa was concerned.

¨I just have to go!¨ Fiona left The House of The Old sobbing. Oh, how she wished that she could find a way to be in love with Larissa without anyone knowing. 

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