Asher X Chief Elder

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¨Hey, Asher.¨ Chief Elder put her hand on his cheek. It made Asher feel all warm and fuzzy inside. She softly pressed her old wrinkly lips to Asher's soft pink lips. ¨You make me feel so good all the time.¨

¨Thanks, Chief Elder.¨ Asher gripped her hand. He thought of the future;  being her spouse, having a family unit with Chief Elder , and living together.

Asher shot up. He looked around his room. He realized that Chief Elder wasn't here and he wasn't at the Auditorium. It was all just an Stirrings dream that he wished was reality.


Asher quickly sprang out of his bed. He hurriedly put his clothes on. He ran downstairs, nearly tripping. He grabbed an apple and left his house.

¨Asher! You forgot your shoes and your backpack!¨ His mom chirped. He groaned and went back to his house to get those things. ¨Good. Have a nice day, Asher!¨

Asher quickly got on his bike. He might be late for school! While riding his bike, he saw the Chief Elder. He was so lost in thinking about her that he nearly fell off of his bike. When he got to school, he assumed that he was very late.

¨Hey Asher! You're early for once!¨ Jonas smiled at him. ¨Wait-¨Jonas was about to burst into laughter.

¨What?¨ Asher asked.

¨Did you have a Stirrings dream?¨ Jonas asked.

¨Yes-what?¨ Asher was surprised. How did Jonas know that he had a Stirrings dream? ¨How did you know that I had a string dream?¨ 

¨Stirrings.¨ Jonas corrected him. ¨I could tell by the look on your face!¨ He was making Asher felt slightly embarrassed.  ¨So, Asher who did you dream about?¨

¨Um, this might be wired but, um.¨Asher smiled awkwardly.  ¨I had a dream about the Chief Elder.¨

¨That's crazy. I had one about Fiona.¨

¨BOYS! GET TO CLASS!¨ A teacher yelled. 

Jonas and Asher went to class. When they got there,  their teacher was not happy.

¨We're sorry for being lake.¨ Said Asher.

¨Go sit down.¨ Their teacher had a stern look on her face. The two boys went to sit down. ¨Good morning everyone, today-¨ the teacher was interrupted when the Chief Elder walked into the classroom. ¨Hello, Chief Elder.¨

¨Hello.¨ The Chief Elder greeted the teacher. ¨Im looking for a boy named Asher.¨ Asher felt his cheeks heat up.  

¨Here!¨ Asher jumped out of his seat.

¨Follow me.¨

Asher followed the Chief Elder into the hallway.

¨So, Asher,¨Chief Elder put her hand on Asher's shoulder. ¨I need to tell you something.¨

¨What?¨Asher asked.

¨I had a dream where we did this,¨ Chief Elder got on her knee and eventually pressed her freaking old lady lips to Asher's lips. Asher felt like he was living a dream right now, he did not want this to end. ¨You were also my spouse.¨

¨Same thin happened to me,¨Asher held her other hand.

¨Go ahead, Asher.¨ Chief Elder smirked. She wanted Asher to be her spouse right now.

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