Jonas X The Giver

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Jonas knocked on the door of The Giver's dwelling. ¨Hey, Giver, are you in there?¨

The Giver opened his door. ¨Yes~¨ Giver smirked at Jonas.

Jonas walked into Giver's dwelling. He noticed that the dwelling smelled weird but, he shrugged it off. He removed his tunic and laid on the bed.

The Giver swore he was getting butterflies in his stomach . Jonas was extremely good-looking. ¨Jonas, you will not be receiving memories today. Instead, we are doing something else.¨

¨What?¨ Jonas asked.

The Giver roughly kissed Jonas with his old chapped lips. ¨That's what we're gonna do.¨

¨The thing from the memory you gave me yesterday?¨

¨Yes.¨ The Giver kissed him again, this time, the kiss felt better and rougher.

The kiss suddenly turned into a make out session between the young receiver and The Giver. Things got more intense when Giver took off his shirt. The Giver gripped Jonas's thigh tightly.

Jonas grabbed The Giver's wrist. They paused their make out session for a while to get some air.

¨Giver, I love you.¨ Jonas panted.

¨I love you too, Jonas.¨ The Giver wrapped his arms around Jonas.

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