•Lucky Scare•

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"I've got an idea!"

That was Flames in the middle of their walk.

"Should I be scared?" Paint.

"You just knock on the door, I'll meet you inside!" They ran off, leaving Paint in confusion.

"What the freckles." They muttered, sighing.

Paint knocked on the door, cursing under their breath.

Flames was climbing up the fire escape to an open window on the second floor.

Henry swung open the door, a confused look when he saw that Flames wasn't there, "Oh, hiya Paint, where's Flames?"

"I'se don' know, they just ran off."

Henry shrugged, letting Paint in, "Well, I hope they'se alright."

Paint was met with a giant hug from Lucky and Les.


"Hiya guys! How'se you doin'?"

"I got two dimes today!" Les beamed up proudly, holding out the day's pay.

"That's great!"

Lucky tapped them on the shoulder, "Paint?"


"I'se was talking with Specs and..." Lucky whispered to them, fidgeting nervously with a scrap of paper.

"I'se kinda' wanna' be a goil an' use She/Her..."

She glanced down, no one else had heard her speak.

"Oh of course! Do you want a different name?"

"I don't really know... Can you just call me Lucky for now?" She looked up again. "Of course."

Lucky smiled, hugging Paint tight before quietly whispering the same to Les, who smiled wide and enveloped her in a giant hug.

Paint stood up, chuckling, "Now, who wants cuddles?"

"Me!" Both littles shot their hands up quickly.

"Alright! Come 'ere you two!" Paint picked up Lucky, letting Les climbing on their back.

They plopped down onto the ragged couch, pulling Les down into their lap and hugging both close.

"What was that about?" Davey had walked in a few seconds earlier, confused by why Lucky was nervously whispering.

Paint glanced down at Lucky, who was shaking her head fearfully, "It ain't my right to say, Lucky can explain when ready."

They smiled down at her, tightening their hug.

"Alright then." He walked away.


There were footsteps upstairs and JoJo gave Paint a look.

"What was that?"

"I have a guess..." Mush sighed.

Laughing could be heard with more angry talking.

Paint sighed, "I'll be back in a second." They shook their head, getting up from their hug.

They walked up the stairs quietly, sneaking into the bunk room.


Flames was sitting in an open window, laughing, while Albert fumbled around shirtless, face red.

Paint compressed a laugh, slowly turning around to go back down.

The steps squeaked giving them away, "Freckles..."

"Hiya Painty!" Flames waved at them

"Idiot..." Albert shoved Flames playfully, making them fall back onto the fire escape, "HEY!"

They shook a fist at Albert, climbing back inside.

"So this is where you'se went."

"More or less," Flames pulled Paint into a side hug.

"You'se are cute together," Albert looked between them.

Paint flushed red while Flames just stared wide eyed.

"We'se just friends Albert!" Paint puffed out their cheeks, arms crossed.

"Sure you'se areeeee!"

Flames huffed, grumbling quietly.

They sat in silence before Paint thought of something,

"Oi, Albert."


"We'se beat Race home this time?"

"Yup," He popped the 'p', chuckling.


Paint did a random happy dance, earning snickers from the other two.

"Ow." A tiny bit of pain interrupted their dance but Paint brushed it off, ignoring Flames' worried glances.

"I'm back arseholes!"

"Race!" The newsies chorused from downstairs.

"I'se gonna' go back down," Paint stood up, giving Flames one last side hug, "Oh, and Albert."

"What is it Paint?"

"Puts a shirt on, will ya'?"

Flames snorted while Albert rolled his eyes, face red as his hair.

Paint smirked, heading back downstairs.


Thanks for reading chapter three!

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