•Candle Wax and Pencils•

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Flames snuck up to the roof a few seconds after Albert left.

They creep up behind Jack and grab onto his shoulders, "BOO!"


He whipped around, flinging red paint at Flames.

They burst into laughter, doubling over.

"You'se gonna be the death of me Candle."

"Loves you too!"

Jack sighed, turning back to whatever he was painting

"Watcha' painting, Pencil?" Flames rested an elbow on his shoulder.

"Da' skyline."


"Is there something wrongs with dat'?" He glanced at them.


Flames walked over to the railing, sitting down and staring over the horizon.

"You'se just come up here to scares me?"

"Maybe... Though, I'se did hear about certain poirsons kissin'." They smirked.

"Did-tcha now?"

Jack's voice was a tiny bit higher and his face was cherry red.

"Mhmmmm." Flames held in a laugh, "I know you'se blushinggggg!"

He flung paint at their back, grumbling under his breath, "Curse you Brooklynites, curse you."

"Alrighty then, mister big and mighty."

"Haha, sarcastic *beep*," He muttered, setting his paintbrush down, "So, how's ya' been?"

"Ok-ish, per usual, what abouts you?"

"I guess you'se can tell I been good." He cracks of smile, think of Davey for a second which causes him to blush even more.

"Yeah, oh by da' way, it was obvious."

"Real funny Candle Wax, real funny." He sat down next to them, staring out.

"Nice paintin' you'se workin' on."

"Thanks, was gonna' ask Crutchie to model but he jus' wanted hugs from Paint."

"Understandable," Flames looked down, their cheeks turning a slight bit pink.

They pulled out a sketch book from their canvas bag, "You'se got a pencil?"

Jack nodded, quickly grabbing one from his supplies, "Here ya' go Waxy."


Flames began to sketch out a partially worked on human, humming while they did so.

Jack looked over at them, an idea coming to his head, "You'se stay right there Lighter."

He got up and went back to his canvas.

"Ok?" They didn't look up from their paper.

Jack began to paint Flames' silhouette in front of the skyline.

-~-*Time skip sponsored by I'm bored*-~-

"There." Jack's face was covered in paint and it had been at leas half an hour since Flames had arrived.

"Can I'se move now?"

"Yes, you'se can, now come see this!" He waved them over to the painting.

He beamed proudly at it.

"Dat's amazing Charcoal!" They gave him a side hug, taking it all in.

"Thank you Candle Wick," He boops their nose, chuckling.

"You'se look like Paint on the weekend now." Flames gestures to his face.


"Thanks for bein' here Eraser." Flames hugged him, smiling.

"No problem."

A comfortable silence fell, it was nice.

"So, how's obvious am I really?"

"Very." Paint snuck up behind them, hugging their hug.

Flames jumped a bit at the sudden contact, calming and blushing a bit when they saw it was Paint.

"Hiya Painty."

"Ello Jack!"

Paint released them from their hug.

"If it makes ya' feel any better, Daves himself is pretty obvious too." Flames nudged him in the arm.

"Hey Jack?"

"Yeah Paint?"

"Is you'se trying to copy me?" They gesture to his face.

"Haha." He hit them with his hat, "Dumbarse Brookies."

He went down the stairs, grumbling.

"Hey, I'se not entirely a Brooklynite!" Flames shouted after him.

"How's about we'se get back to our Lodge and continue this conversation there?" Paint wrapped an arm around their mid section.

(Paint's head is where Flames' shoulder is)

"Fineeeeeee," Flames blushed a bit.

"Hmm.." They thought for a moment, "Wanna race?"

"Nope!" Paint grabbed their hand, pulling them down the stairs and out the Lodge quickly, both Newsies blushing lightly the entire time.

"You'se gonna make me sleep tonight?"

"Maybeeeeeee," Paint stopped, fake thinking, "If you promise to be quiet?"

"Ok then!" Flames grabbed their hand again, running along through the night.


Thanks for reading chapter four!

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