•Rock, Paper, Scissors, Cuddles!•

14 1 9

-~- Picking up from end of Chp. 3 -~-

"WHATTHEFRECKLES!" Paint tripped over the last step, landing on the floor with thud.

They could hear others trying, and some failing, to hold back laughs at the scene.

Race appears above them, snickering, "You'se ok Painty?"

They roll their eyes, bouncing back up.

"Haha Race." They laugh dryly.

He smirks, going back to his card game.

"Who's winning?" The littles were playing a game of rock, paper, scissors.

"Les is." Lucky grumbled after she lost to Les' rock.

Paint chuckled, sitting down behind Lucky and wrapping her in a hug.


"I WIN AGAIN!" Les jumped up on the couch, doing a little happy dance.

"Don't let it get ta' ya' head, big shot!" Paint chuckled, pulling him down onto their lap, hugging both littles close.

Les struggled against their arms before giving up eventually.

"Where's Crutchie?"

"You summoned me?" There the cinnamon roll came, Albert was helping him limp down the stairs.

"Crutchie! Albert!" Les tackled them in a hug, earning some laughs and 'aww's from others.

"Come 'ere!" Paint stretched out their arms, making a grabbing motion.

Crutchie plopped down next to them, "Hiya Paint!"

He was instantly wrapped up in a giant hug and Lucky scrambled between them to join the love.

Les piled on soon enough while Albert went to play poker with Race.

David just stood awkwardly in the corner.

Paint chuckled as Crutchie and the Littles snuggle into their side.

They casually chatted with the others, occasionally cracking jokes with Race and/or Albert. 'They're fun, not as idiotic as some of Brooklyn's Newsies, but still fun.'

They eventually started playing with Crutchie's hair and he fell asleep soon after.

-~- *Time skip brought you by Beetlejuice being a chaotic-fourth-wall-breaking-gay-demon* -~-

Paint wiggles out from the pile of sleeping beans.

 "Someone was tired." Race smiled from across the room.

"I'se probably should be headin' back to Brooklyn." They gave each Newsie a side hug before heading to the roof.

It was silent up there and they could make out Jack and Flames hugging in front of Jack's painting-area-thing.

Jack broke the silence with, "So, how's obvious am I really?"

Paint smiled, sneaking up behind them. "Very." They hugged their hug.

Flames jumped a bit but Paint brushed it off as old muscle memory, they suffered with it too.

"Hiya Painty."

"Ello Jack!"

Paint released them from their hug.

"If it makes ya' feel any better, Daves himself is pretty obvious too." Flames nudged him in the arm.

Paint noticed that Jack had a ton of paint splattered over his face, like Paint usually did on weekends.

"Hey Jack?"

"Yeah Paint?"

"Is you'se trying to copy me?" They gesture to his face.

"Haha." He hit them with his hat, "Dumbarse Brookies."

He went down the stairs, grumbling.

"Hey, I'se not entirely a Brooklynite!" Flames shouted after him.

"How's about we'se get back to our Lodge and continue this conversation there?" Paint wrapped an arm around their mid section.

'Why do I have to be so short?' They blushed a tiny bit but Flames couldn't see it.



Is that a double update I smell!?

Yes it is!

Hope you like chapter five!

Leave a comment if you've got feedback!


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