DAY 6 - A snowball fight as hectic as the aftermath of a war

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Image at the beginning of the chapter: @sni8_ on twitter

Prompt 1:  Family / Walls / Abyss

Alternate Universe where Lumine and Childe go to university

4 people, 2 teams, 6 trees, 2 snow walls and an infinite number of snowballs. That's all it took to transform a peaceful afternoon into the aftermath of a war.

Everything started with Lumine visiting her boyfriend, Ajax, in his homeland, Snezhnaya. It was the winter break, so they both had the chance to travel. Ajax wanted to return to his family after the long time he had spent in university, so he invited Lumine to come along. She already met Ajax's family once, but never in his homeland so she was really thrilled to go there, even though he had warned her one could litteraly freeze to death out there. They both took the plane to come to Morepesok, the small town where Ajax's family had its home. The second Lumine set foot in that icy country at night, she couldn't help but shiver at the bitter cold attacking her body even though she had a warm coat and some furry boots.

When they arrived at his house, his parents as well as his two little brothers, Anthon and Teucer, greeted them warmly. Exhausted because of the multiple hours of plane, they both headed to sleep right away to be in better shape for the next day.

And so, the next day happened to be the most hectic one Lumine had ever had. The day started normally, with some passionate discussions with all the family, enjoying a great meal, then the dessert around the fireplace. Everything went just fine until Teucer offered to do a snowball fight.

At first glance, everyone could wonder what could happen during a snowball fight to turn the day completely upside down. But in reality, the reason was simple.

The four kids formed two teams. On the one hand, there was Lumine and Teucer, and on the other one, Ajax and Anthon. They parted ways a little before entering the nearby forest to hide for a moment to set up a strategy to win the battle. As Lumine learnt, snowball fights had a lot of rules which had to be respected in Snezhnaya. It was almost as sacred as the Holy Grail, and the winning title wasn't easy to obtain.

With Teucer, she then had to build a wall entirely made out of snow in order to protect them from the opponents' attacks. Once all the preparations finished, Lumine was designated to search the position of their enemies. She walked precautionaly into the thick snow, paying attention to all her surroundings to not get hit by a suprised snowball coming from nowhere.

Arriving at a specific tree, she stopped as she watched the snow wall their enemies had built. She turned on her heels to notify captain Teucer of their location before getting ready for the second part of their plan: the offensive.

She made a consequent number of snowballs, ready to throw them on their opponents, but before she could do so, a snowball grazed her cheek as it narrowly missed its target. Startled, she immediatly turned towards the origin of this projectile, finding Ajax not far from here, hiding behind the trunk of a tree, ready to throw other snowballs.

Lumine dodged the next few ones he threw at her with some side steps while forming some snowballs in her hands and approaching Ajax's location. Seeing that she was coming closer, her boyfriend started to run away to maintain the distance between them, but Lumine caught up with him, throwing a snowball directly at the back of his head.

He immediatly stopped in his tracks, probably angry to have been touched first, and decided to abandon the defense to concentrate on the attack. Both of them just threw snowballs aiming at their opponents, some touching their targets, some not. They were both laughing, profoundly happy by this battle they were having at that moment.

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