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Hey guys this is a bit short cuz I was wrote this in midnight so pls enjoy and don't forget to vote
stay safe mwauh- C 👌

"Ugh turn that thing off please" Michaela asked Denice but Denice was still in deep sleep, Michaela climbed out off the very large bed trying to find the phone that has been ringing for hours.

"Got ya, oh shit its Zayn" Michaela said with a nervous tone She answered the call "Hello?" She asked waiting for an answer, "Michaela how are you? where are you? weve been looking for you, we miss you lots." Zayn asked Michaela in a very calm yet groggy voice

Michaela was speechless, she laid back down and star at the roof while Zayn keeps saying Hello on repeat, "Zayn stop it okay Ive heard you a million times" she said "I miss all of you too lots, And to answer your questions Im doing just fine and Im at the Decent Hotel right beside the huge mall" Michaela  realized that she had told Zayn where she was staying and by that she just then go'ed with flow so she told Zayn everything that had happened.

"Can I ask you one question Princess?" Zayn asked Michaela kindly, "what is it Zaynie" Michaela asked Zayn for what is his question, "why are you  avoiding and running away from us?" Zayn asked her hoping for a truthful answer.
"I-i Im sorry Zaynie but ugh I hate lying to you, its just Simon told me to avoid you guys while I was on the plane Simon called me I answered it because I was half asleep and I thought it wad you guys but then when I heard his voice then I realized that it was Simon who called me and then he told me that"

-Simon Speaking-
"Michaela Heart, I want you to avoid The boys or else one of them will have to leave the band or worst go broke, if you want that to happen then go If you dont then obey me" Simon said in a very deep and clear tone

"I didn't have the chance to talk he hung up right before I tried to talk and he didn't fully explain why I needed to avoid you guys" Michaela said while thinking back to that moment, "You could have atleast told us so we wouldn't have to file a missing file or something" Zayn said while sighing in relief. "Yeah I suppose", Michaela said smiling at the fact that she had told Zayn everything but then that smile turned into a big frown

Michaela's thoughts were spinning. 'What if she will be the reason the band will break apart or worse, like what Simon said she had to avoid the boys or else one of them will pay the price. Michaela snapped out of it for Zayn was still on the line calling her name again too many times "Michaela you  still there hello?" Zayn called out Michaela for the last time, "yeh still here Zaynie" Michaela answered in a sad tone.

Zayn noticed Michaela's tone of voice changed so he asked her "whats wrong princess?" Zayn asked in a very questioning yet calming voice, "nothing² it's just I miss you guys so much" Michaela said still in the sad tone

Liam and Kiara were talking in the kitchen about Michaela's father/Dan. "What happened to Dan any way ?how did he passed away?" Liam asked Kiara, "he was a very alcoholic guy, and he liked to smoke a lot. Yesterday he was just playing cards suddenly I heard a loud thud and I found him laying on the floor, It turned out he had a severe heart attack so I had to rush him to the Hospital but when I arrived there he was already gone" Kiara said then teared up for she remembered the moment that happened really quickly, "Im so sorry about that" Liam told Kiara in a apologetic tone, "Its okay love its not like it was your fault. Now lets eat, call your mates and I'll start making pancakes".

Back to Zayn and Michaela-
"Princess we miss you too well see each other soon hopefully so don't worry about anything" Zayn said reassuring Michaela so that she wouldn't be sad or worried about anything the whole day, "I have to go, your mum's cooking delicious Pancakes, bye love you stay safe Ill call you back as soon as Im done eating " Zayn said in a very groggy voice it made his voice more hotter and sexier than ever.

Michaela tried to go back to sleep but  her Phone suddenly rang again,she thought that it was Zayn but Zayn just saud he'll be eating, but when he looked at the caller ID It was Simon she tried to avoid it but it kept on ringing and ringing until she got full of it so she answered the damn phone, "What?" She asked with a plain tone. "It's me Simon I just wanted you to know that tonight you will be fetched by a Black limousine and you will be attending something fancy so Please follow the simple instructions first you need to bring a mask that will cover half of your face, done that's all I'm gonna say you'll figure it out thank you goodbye." Simon the sick bastard he is He hang up again not letting Michaela speak nor talk.

Michaela text Zayn

MH: Zaynie Simon just called me and that he wants me to go to this party or ball and wants me to bring a mask? Idrk and idk where this event will be held so I think we can't see each other today gtg xoxo

ZM:Stay safe okay, We love you and, will find you asap, Princess dont worry. I think it's gonna be a masquerade ball or party

MH:If it's really a Ball then Im in hihi

ZM:I'll see you later then ;)

The Boys Pov

Louis Phone rang and guess who the caller was it was Simon the Cowell, "What do you want?" Louis aksed in a strict yet sassy tone, "isn't it too early for sass Tomlinson" Simon said in a annoyed voice "I just wanted you to know and let the others know that you all will be attending tonight at this royal masquerade ball and Please keep away from Harry or else I will call El-" Simon was interrupted by Louis "Okay² will go geez" Louis hung up and told the boys what Simon just said.

I Promise I'll write chapter's every now and then. Btw love yall mwuah❤️💅

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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