movie night

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i can't like him like that, he's only a friend. the words echo in my head as i lie in bed.

i notice my phone screen light up out of the corner of my eye and attempt to ignore it however, i'm unsucessful.

i unplug my phone from the charger and read the notifacations on my screen.

* sapnap is typing...

sapnap sent you a snap *

i unlock my phone, wondering what he wants at this time.

'hi :)' the message reads.

- y/n: hello

i watch as his bitmoji pops up and he starts typing.

- sapnap: what are you doing?'

its 2am what does he think im doing.

- y/n: sleeping, goodnight.

i laugh at my own joke.

- sapnap: you're always sleeping

- y/n: sleeping is good for you

- sapnap: so is talking to me

- y/n: thats a lie

- sapnap: do you want to watch a show together on discord?

that caught me off guard. im used to staying up and watching movies with sapnap but it feels different this time, though, i cant put my finger on it.

i feel my heart beating faster and my face begins to feel warmer. am i blushing? whats wrong with me lately.

- y/n: depends, will you put your facecam on?

that was bold of me, very very bold of me. i've never asked him to put his facecam on before, i didn't intend on asking, but the message was sent before i realised what i'd said.

- sapnap: only if you do :)

my heart flutters as i reread his message. only if i do? does that mean he wants to see me. my thoughts, going at a hundred miles an hour.

- y/n: fine

i extend my arm to my pc and reach for the on button, turning it on again. the screen lights up, i squint from the brightness, as damage control.

i stare at my ceiling and sigh. i get up and move to my desk chair, watching the loading screen, my eyes still sore from the sudden change in light.

i key in my password and load up discord, noticing sapnap has sent me a few messages. i open them.

'here are the tickets'

*2 attatchments*

'you online?'

i open the images he's sent me, a plane ticket to florida and return ticket. i look at the dates on the tickets.

* 28th june 2021 *

the first ticket reads.

* 12th july 2021 *

nice. i think to myself.

'thanks' i reply to his message.

almost immediately, he calls me. when i answer, his camera is off, my face drops in disappointment.

"hi" sapnap sounds as if he's smiling.

"turn on your camera" i demand.

a sigh and sounds of movement come from sapnaps end of the call. i watch as his icon turns into a black screen, shortly after, his face appearing on the screen. i smile to myself, forgetting he could see.

Him // Sapnap x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now