an old friend

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"OH MY GOD MOVE! THE LIGHT IS AT GREEN" i yell at the car in front of me, depsite the fact they can't hear me. "stupid learner driver" i mutter to myself. (a/n im a learner too i dont have anything against them, they're doing their best)

the car finally starts moving after a good minute of the light being on green. very. slowly.

"even i could drive better than this when i was learner" i complain, i can understand now why people don't like being in the car with me, i'm not great at controlling my road rage.

i finally arrive at the supermarket after getting stuck behind yet another learner who managed to stall their car twice at the same round about. i drive around looking for a parking space that isn't too far from the supermarket and see someone parked in between two spaces.

"this is why i never drive anymore because theres always some IDIOT that doesn't understand the rules of the road" i angrily drive off trying to find a better space, eventually i see a car pull out of a space and park my car before turning off the engine.

"finally" i sigh, rummaging around trying to find my purse. "ah, here it is"

i grab a couple of bags and a shopping cart and begin pushing it around the supermarket when i notice someone who looks familiar, i don't realise that i'm staring intensely in attempt to figure out where i recognise them from.

they have shoulder length, straight, dirty blonde hair and, of course! its ems from high school! i recognise her from her fashion sense, she hasn't changed one bit, she wore a button up shirt as she always used to which was her favourite colour, lilac and silky, it was carefully tucked into her baggy light blue denim shorts which were held up by a black leather belt. i forgot how pretty she is. i approach her slowly while she's turned around.

"ems?" i ask to make sure it definetly is her.

she turns around with the same welcoming smile she has always given me since the day we met.

"y/n?" her face lights up the moment she realises its me. "its been so long, how have you been?"

"me? i've been great" i answer, leaning my forearms on the handle of the shopping cart. "what about you? how have you been?"

"i've been fine" she tells me, she goes to speak again but a rude old man shouts at us to move before she gets the chance.

"sorry!" i say apologetically, moving my shopping cart aside to let the man through.

"we should really catch up some time" em offers. "you know, when we aren't in the middle of a supermarket"

"i agree, whats your number?" i ask. "we can arrange something later"

"oh, here" she fiddles with her phone before handing it to me. "just put your number in here and i can text you once i'm done"

i take the phone from her and key in my phone number. when i hand it back to her, she points the phone at my face.

"c'mon, strike a pose" she giggles.

i roll my eyes just as she takes the photo causing her to start laughing.

"whats so funny!" i exclaim.

"you're cute" she says, turning her phone round to show me the photo.

"oh my god, you're so dumb" i bite my lips shut in attempt to hold back a smile but i fail and before we know it, we're both laughing uncontrollably at each other just like we did every day at school.

"seriously, it was nice seeing you again" ems tells me once we finish laughing.

"it was really nice seeing you as well" i agree with her. "i'll see you around i hope"

"definetly, goodbye" she waves at me while pushing her shopping cart towards the checkout.


i finally have everything i need and i'm unloading it into the back of my car when i remember that ems said she would text me. i put the last of the bags in my car and shut the door before pulling out my phone.

1 text from an unknown number

i open the message and read it to myself as i sit in the front seat of my car.

hey! its ems, it was great seeing you today <3

i definetly missed her, theres no denying that. i hadn't talked to her in a couple of years since we both graduated high school and went our seperate ways, i had planned on taking a gap year after high school which was around the time that my twitch channel blew up meaning i could do it full time, while ems went on to do her computing degree at a college near by. it hits me that ems has no idea that i never ended up going back to college like i said i would, that would be a shocker for her since she always expected me to be the smarter of the two of us.

i notice that i'm so lost in thought that i forgot to text her back, i start typing a reply but i decide to invite her out for coffee instead.

hey ems, wanna go for coffee sometime this week?
delivered just now

i put my phone on do not disturb and start my car, mentally preparing myself for the drive home and hoping that there aren't as many stupid drivers on the road this time. to my joy, there were no issues with other cars on the way home except the one car in front of me that ran a red light and sped through a 40 zone.

when i finally arrive home the first thing i do is check my texts to see if ems has replied and she has.


that would be fun, does friday lunch time suit you?

yep, thats perfect, 12pm, starbucks?

sounds great!

well thats that sorted, now to get all these bags in the house and everything put away.


this chapter is a little shorter because i have plans for the next chapter. im probably going to update this more often now because the next few parts are going to be interesting and im very excited for them.

i hope youre enjoying this so far!

if you have any feedback/criticism please let me know as i want to improve my writing. :)

1078 words

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