a stream?

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- a/n: tysm for the reads so far <3 i really appreciate it. -

it's been a couple days since me and sapnap fell asleep on call. in my attempt to push it to the back of my mind, i haven't talked to sapnap a lot since.

i decide to stream, its been around a week since i last fed my followers content. i pick my phone up, opening my texts, i begin typing out a message to sapnap but pause before doing so.

is it really a good idea to stream with him, i mean, i'm still confused. i consider for a moment. its been days since we last talked, what if he thinks i hate him.

i decide to text him anyway, its just a stream, like we're used to. whats the worst that could happen?

'hey' i begin typing. 'are you available?' no, that sounds too formal. i press backspace.

'im thinking about streaming, if you wanna join' that sounds a lot better.

i send the message and wait for a response. i stare at the screen for a minute but the message remains on delivered. when did i start caring so much if i got a reply? i wonder.

i set my phone down on the kitchen table and look around for something to distract myself with. i pick up a dirty plate and begin cleaning it, which is unlike me considering i own a dishwasher. what is up with me today, seriously.

i wander over to the cupboard, where i keep my clean plates and gently put it back in its place. right as i shut the cupboard door, i hear a ping from my phone.

i get excited and run over to where i'd placed my phone, i turn it over and read the message on screen.

'sorry y/n, im exhasted, me and the boys were up all night talking' it read.

ouch, i think to myself, so thats the worst that could happen.

i text him a quick 'goodnight :)' and walk over to my bedroom. i sit at my desk, staring into the blank screen. chat knows how to cheer me up.

i turn my pc on and wait patiently while it loads. i wonder to myself what i'm going to do on stream, i decide to do a just chatting stream.


"hey chat! i missed you guys" i smile, waving both of my hands at my webcam. "how is everyone today?"

i read some of the replies.

user1; 'bad'

user2; 'fine'

user3; 'much better now you're streaming'

user4; 'meh'

user5; 'good!'

"well im glad to hear most of you are having a good day" i say, "and if you aren't, i hope you have a better day tomorrow" i add.

i sit and talk with my chat for around 10 minutes until i see people spamming 'dream'

"wh- what?" i begin. "why is everyone spamming dream?"

i pause, trying to understand chat, but with no success.

"chat? why are you- okay, no, i can't see what people are saying if you spam"

"oh," a message in chat catches my eye, it's dream, although, before i have time to read it, the chat message is off the screen. "thats why you were spamming"

i notice that chat is saying 'check your phone' and assume that's what dream was saying.

i pick my phone up and see i have a missed call from dream, i instantly call him back.

Him // Sapnap x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now