Chapter 16

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3:30 in Jump, 5:30 in Gotham 

(Bruces prov, at 5pm)

I have been sitting in the batcave going over what Alfred said before he left. He hasnt come back down since telling me that. He makes a point though if I go there I need to go there not mad or angry, I need to go there with no emotion

"Superman 02" The zetatubes went off

Clark walked over to where I was lying my head down on the bat computer. I could feel him staring at me with worry and confusion

"What do you want Kent" I asked annoyed 

"Umm.... Jon wanted to hang out with Damian but Damian isnt responding" 

"That is not why you came here. Jon would have just come over himself, what is the real reason" 

"Fine, although what I said is true. Canary told us" 

Of course she told them about the kids going to Jump cause why wouldnt she. I dont even know what to do, I know the kids are going to be mad at me and dont even get me started on Dick. I just stayed silent and kept my head on the table. I heard Kent sigh and then next thing I know my chair is being spun around. I looked up to see Kent bent down eye level with me

"You need to go and talk to them" 

"I dont even know what I would say to the boys let alone to Dick" 

Why am I even talking to him about this. Why am I admitting these things to Clark of all people, I usually talk to Alfred about this type of thing

"How about you start with hello" 

I gave Clark a 'are you serious look'

"Hey you have to start some where. We have all seen that Dick isnt over what the team did, and he isnt going to trust them again. Which is expected. And I know you dont want to hear this but he is going to be worse to you. So maybe starting off with a hello would be a good start" 

He makes a point. I know Dick isnt just going to forgive me and trust me again but it always sucks when Kent makes a good point

"Its been 9 years almost 10 Clark. He probably dosent even want to see my face let alone talk to me. He probably has a dart board with my face on it"

Clark laughed a bit at that "Dick isnt that type of person, you and me both know that. We both knew this day would come at some point. We knew he was the leader of the Titans and knew who we were sending the original 5 after. It isnt a surprise that this happened"

"We dont know what Dick is like, and that is my fault. Yes but the boys werent supposed to figure it out"

"Bruce. It was all our faults, we all had a meeting and we all agreed it was Dick, it wasnt just you that made that decision, its on all of us for what happened. As for the boys, They were going to at some point. its not like you can keep it from this the whole time, if the Titans joined the young justice then Tim would have found out. If they joined the justice league then all 3 would have found out. Or by the way they did, either way you look at it they would figure it out"

I guess he is right, but I wasnt planning on it going this way. I wasnt planning any of this to be honest 

"Now the best you can do is go and talk to them, all of them. And some how explain everything. Also listen to Dick, listen to what he has to say and if he kicks you out then he kicks you out. Come back home and let him be" Clark said

"I guess you are right but I dont even know how I would start explaining all of that or even how I am going to recact to seeing Dick again. How do I face the boys after all of this, all of the boys" 

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