|31| The Dress of the Wicked

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and Laurie's incestant dragging

"HEY JASPER," Laurie says coming up to me as I'm reading a book in the library. I dislike being disturbed when I read but for his sake, I put the book down and give him the biggest fakest smile I could. 

"Yes, my ever loving and thoughtful brother," I say incredibly sarcastic. He's dragging the chair on the floor so carelessly it makes a scraping sound. "How can I be of assistance?"

Very unprince-like Laurie slumps on it, not even bothering to sit properly, he sits with his front facing the back of the chair, his brown eyes meeting mine. "I'm going to go shopping for Fabianne's leaving gift, want to come with me?"

I wave the book in my hand, "This, is more interesting."

"Jasper," he whines. "Come on, I don't want to go alone."

"I don't like going out."

"They've cleared the shop for us."

"Why would they clear - oh."


"You told them I was Adaliz didn't you?" I grumble. "He's twelve years older than me."

"You're resemblance to him is a hazard."

"Take Duke." I open my book. I'm not skilled enough to ignore Laurie when I'm reading. As possibly one of his closest siblings, he's found every button to push when I say no. 

"Who told you I named him Duke?" He asks. I'm only one neon sign short of making it incredibly evident that I wish to be left alone. I know he won't relent on bugging me unless I do cave in. 

I decide on silence and pretend to be more engrossed in The 48 Laws of Power. 

The truth is most of my approaches to dissuade Laurie have not worked. He is as stubborn as he is playful.

Laurie changes his approach, "you know, I told them we'd be there in half and hour, and the people in the shop can't open it till I've gone and left."

"Then call them and cancel," I say, "if you're adamant on not going."

"They would have lost business from keeping the shop closed for me."

Fuck. He had me there. If it's one thing I couldn't do, it's that. Hurting someone's bread and butter. "You're horrible," I say standing up. I put the chair back and begin to make way to the bookshelf. Laurie stands too, not bothering to move his chair back till I send him a pointed look. 

"You're annoying," Laurie grumbles as he puts the chair back. 

He follows me as I return the book and begin walking to my room. "You don't need to follow me, I'll meet you at the car."

He shrugs, smiling the whole time. 

"Laurie, I did say I was going to go with you."

"I know."

I stop walking to my room to turn to look at him. "Have you been hit on the head?" I say, "Isn't it clear I don't want to be followed around by you?"

Laurie raises his eyebrow, "You sound, like you're going to disappear off the palace grounds with how evasive you are about me following you around."

I groan, "Laurie, seriously, I give you my word."

Like a puppy, he perks up at this. He stops slouching to rise to his full height of 6'1, an inch shorter than me that doesn't feel that much of a gap anymore when he's standing straight, "You mean it?" 

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