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     These are all quotes and frequently used words she says in the canon plot, and it is unlikely that I edited it. However, if I did, it's so that it made it clear and easy to read. These are all things I've used for my own writing to make character speech patterns accurate in my own stories, and all of these are just shared directly from my notes. The order of each student is completely randomized, so don't expect any pattern. I may add on more to these depending on if I find out more about the character in the future. If you have any requests for a character for me to research on, feel free to simply ask.

Monophanie — Quotes and frequently used words

     Cited from:
     Random Monokubs scenes.
     Monokubs Voice Files.

— "I don't think they were talking to you."

— "Although,"

— "If we are monsters, at least we're pretty monsters."

— "Oh!"

— "You've heard of us!?"

— "He's like a sixth-grader helpin' out a fifth-grader!"

— "Of course you haven't."

— "(Text beforehand) cretins."

— "(Text beforehand) basically means (finish thought)."

— "That wasn't even a joke! There was no setup, no punchline, no nothing!"

— "Ack!"

— "C'mon! Remember already!"

— "(Text beforehand) bastards (continue thought)."

— "Staying up late is bad for your skin, so maybe you bastards should go to bed, okay?"

— "Ba-dump!"

— "Wh-What...? You... can't just blurt out something like that."

— "We can't..."

— "(Text beforehand) y'know?"

— "I want you,"

— "Boo-hoo-hoo..."

— "N-No, please!"

— "You used to be... so nice..."

— "N-Nooo!"

— "St-Stop it!"

— "I knew it... They're helpless without me," Monophanie sniffled, "...poor [NAME]."

— "Actually,"

— "Um..."

— "I bet."

— "But... that's fine."

— "Maybe not today, but someday... I'm gonna be happy too!"

— "D-Darling! What's the matter!?"

— "Wait... you silly man."

— "My goodness..."

— "Alright, come here."

— "...Why are you crying?"

— "You jerks must feel pretty slick."

— "But..."

— "(Text beforehand) cuz (continue thought.)"

— "But now,"

— "...Thanks to me,"

— "Ugh... gh...!"

— "N-No... it's not that..."

— "I-It's... coming..."

— "A-Any minute now..."

— "This better not awaken anything in me..."

— "N-Never heard of him...!"

— "Daddy is too evil to be ashamed for being evil."

— "I feel like we're getting close to the gore-y part! It's making me nervous...!"

— "I supposed that's one lesson we can take away from this case..."

— "Alright you bastards!"

— "Another shocking truth revealed!"

— "Cry as loud as you want! I'll cry with you! We can spend the night together crying! In the morning after... I'll write goodbye on your mirror in lipstick before I quietly leave."

— "His foot!?"

— "Uh-oh... Daddy's mad at you now."

— "Oh [NAME]... You're like a mommy taking care of her sick child."

— "Daddy said so, so he can't be wrong!"

— "Huh!?"

— "No? I didn't hear anything."

— "You need more motivation!"

— "Are you sure you should make a decision like that so casually?"

— "Oh my!"

— "It's true!"

— "What's wrong, [NAME]!? Pull yourself together!"

— "Daddy, they're calling you a coward!"

— "It's true! People really do change!"

— "Like a one hit wonder who clings to their former fame!"

— "Hey!"

— "Oh shoot! Pull yourself together!"

— "After all..."

— "Me too!"

— "Your reactions are too extreme! It's making the rest of us look bad."

— "I have no clue what everyone is talking about."

— "Huh? We have!?"

— "What are we arguing about again?"

— "Huuuh! So cute and tiny!"

— "What'd you say!? I have no idea what's going on!"

— "Um... may I interject?"

— "I still wanna live longer! I wanna see the next chapter!"

— "We're like snowflakes! We're one of a kind!"

— "And what an ugly head it is..."

— "D-Daddy! Please stop this! Go back to how you used to be! When you loved us so, so much!"

— "No. It. Isn't!"

— "Rise and shine, ursine!"

— "Why hello there! Bear-y nice to see you again!"

— "Heeee!?"

— "Thanks for bearing with us!"

— "Bed time, ursine."

— "Okie-dokie!"

— "Bears do not lie!"

— "Please be careful."

— "That's right!"

— "No!"

— "No way!"

— "Here..."

—"How nice!"

— "Eeek!"

— "So long, bear well!"