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These are all quotes and frequently used words she says in the canon plot, and it is unlikely that I edited it. However, if I did, it's so that it made it clear and easy to read. These are all things I've used for my own writing to make character speech patterns accurate in my own stories, and all of these are just shared directly from my notes. The order of each student is completely randomized, so don't expect any pattern. I may add on more to these depending on if I find out more about the character in the future. If you have any requests for a character for me to research on, feel free to simply ask.

     I. Mioda — Quotes and frequently used words

Cited from:
     Ibuki Mioda Free Time Events — Justonegamr on YouTube.

— "What do you think, Mister/Miss/Other [NAMEEEEE]!?"

— "Totally! You're gonna entertain Ibuki, right?"

— "Ooooooooooh! Our hearts are connected as one! AWESOME! I was just thinking I wanted this right now!"

— "Ah! Yes, yessss!"

— "Jeez, hurry!"

— "Um, um,"

— "Hyaaaaha! That's a major bingo!"

— "Well, isn't it obvious!?"

— "For a while,"

— "That's totally it!"

— "But now,"

— "Nooooo problem!"

— "Everyone starts at that point. As long as you feel the love, there's no problem."

— She commonly drags out her words. Usually a name, a "yes", "no", "totally," or "so".

— "It's okay!"

— "You'll be so popular with the ladies!"

— "By the way,"

— "Yep, yep!"

— "Ah,"

— "That's awesome!"

— "All right, it's decided!"

— She simplifies words or cuts them in half. For example 'cause, or 'em.

— "What are you saying?"

— "Gyahaha! Put your soul into it! Shout! Shout!"

— "Ghghghghghgh..."

— "So not cool..."

— "My charm is my best feature... and now it's gonna disappear!"

— "Yahooooo!"

— "Yahooooo! Are you really giving that to me!? That's awesome! Ibuki will be toooootally pleased with this for the rest of her life!"

— "Okie dokie!"

— "Um,"

— "Aw yeah!"

— "Hell to the yes!"

— "Come on! LET'S GO!"

— "What are you saying?"

— "Running Ibuki's hobby!"

— "It's a lot of fun!"

— "It's seriously sooooo hard,"

— "*Sulk*"

— "Also,"

— "It's super thrilling!"

— "Ibuki forgets lots of stuff really fast,"

— "I go outside without thinking about anything."

— On occasion, Ibuki talks in 3rd person — though it isn't all the time.

— "When I do that..."

— "Surprise, surprise!"

— "I just think of fun stuff all the time,"

— "One time,"

— "Ah,"

— "The other day,"

— "Also, also...!"

— "Yawwwwwwwwwwn, I'm getting all sleepy from boredom..."

— "Isn't that bad!?"

— "This is going nowhere..."

— "Meoooow!"

— "Jeez, this is baaaad. I might end up falling in love with you!"

— "Why hello thar! What do you wanna play today?" (Don't worry, the 'thar' is not a typo.)

— "Ding ding ding! You got it right!"

— "Yep, that's correct. It's about that!"

— She says a lot of sound effects: "meow", "yawn", "ding", etc.

— "In order to do that,"

— "Oh, my-my-my-my,"

— She occasionally ends sentences with "y'know" or "right".

— "Of course!"

— "A-blub-blub-blub-blub..."

— "I see, I see,"

— "Yep,"

— "Now then,"

— "I've decided!"

— "Ibuki will start us off!"


— "You do it too, [NAMEEEEEEE]! It's fuuuuun!"

— "Da boom na da mmm dum na ema..."

— "Oh my, my!"

— "Oh my, [NAME]. You look pretty refreshed."

— "I mean... Ibuki just realized it."

— "Hmmm, how should I put it?"

— "Well, it's not that big of a deal."

— "Like I said earlier,"

— "And if it's no good, that's something you can't really help."

— "But being alone... is a teensy bit lonely."

— "Man, that was really fun, [NAME]!"