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"No, no, dammit! We were supposed to prune this before it went to red."

"Can't we?"

"The Avengers need those Stones. They accidentally crossed into this branch. Now we have to wait for them to finish. They better be quick about it; I hate it when branches go to red."


"Gotta say, it's kind of weird to see the six of you... hang on, why are you over Loki and Olivia?" Maya asked. Tony looked confused for a second, going in for a closer look.

"Yeah, wait, something's wrong here." Tony said, scratching his chin. "Olivia was with us... not... Cap?"

"What is it?"

"Something's wrong."


"My brother and sister will be answering to Odin." Thor said.

"They're gonna answer to us. Odin can have what's left. And I'm gonna need that case." Pierce said, pointing to the case. "That's been SHIELD property for over 70 years."

"I'm not gonna argue who's got the higher authority here, all right? 2012 Tony said, unhelpfully.


"Stark, you--- your chest machine?" Thor asked. Loki and Olivia looked as Maya handed the case to Tony, glancing at each other after.

"Good job. Meet me in the alley. I'm gonna grab a quick slice." Tony said, comming to Cap, just as the door exploded, knocking Maya and Tony off their feet.

"NO MORE STAIRS!!!!" Hulk screamed. People went running as The Hulk screamed about his hatred of having to take the stairs. The case launched out of Tony's hands. It opened and the Tesseract popped out of it's little chamber, sliding across the floor.

It stopped as it hit Loki's boot, catching his attention.

In a few quick motions so everyone, baring present Tony and Maya, didn't even see or have time to react, Loki picked up the Tesseract. He looked at Olivia, who nodded, and wrapped an arm around her waist. Loki activated the cube and teleported them both away.


"Get B-15 on the line. We have Variants on the loose. Repeat, Variants on the loose. They took the Tesseract. We have to get them back before we prune anything. I repeat, Variants L-1130 and O-2520 are on the loose with the Tesseract."


Gobi Desert, Mongolia

The portal opened several meters into the sky, the odd blue and black smoke a bruise on the partly cloudy day. At a lightning speed, something flew out of the portal. Two things. Two people, it seemed like. The figures crashed into one of the many sand dunes, sending up a plume of sand upon impact. The manacles around their wrists broke on impact, a metal face guard lying next to the broken bindings.

Olivia pushed herself off of Loki, coughing up grains of sand. Loki sat up after her, throwing his metal gag off a distance away. Sand was everywhere, in their clothes and in their hair. Close by, the Tesseract sat half buried in the dune, gently humming.

Barely able to process what was happening, five people walked up. Natives, most likely. Loki spat out more sand, pulled Olivia to her feet, and led her to a rock a couple feet away. Loki stood tall and faced the native Midgardians.

"I am Loki of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose." Loki proclaimed, as he did when meeting new mortals to hopefully one day rule. Olivia spat out more sand next to him, feeling the grains caught in her teeth.

Time Variance Detected ☆Book 1☆(A Loki Series/Avengers AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin