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The walk hadn't felt like a long one at all, yet Loki, Olivia, and Sylvie seemed like they were in an entirely new place in the cosmos. The Void was long gone, all that stood around them was the vastness of space. They stood atop a meteor where the mysterious Being Behind the Curtain resided. Banding around it all was a long beam of blue light. All around them, Olivia could hear voices. Events. Times.

The blue beam was the Sacred Timeline itself.

The events of all time happening at the same time.

It was a short hike to the front door of the large home. Gold reflecting cracks appeared basically everywhere as if the structure was two seconds from breaking apart, yet sheer force of will was keeping it together.

Sylvie stepped towards the door, taking several deep breaths to compose herself. All she ever wanted was just within her reach.

"Well? Aren't you going to tell me to not kick the door in?" She asked.

"It never made a difference." Loki replied.

"Well, if you think it's a bad idea, I want you to speak your mind."

"No. Nothing to say."

"That's a first." Sylvie stared a long time at the door, clearing her throat gently.

"Everything okay." Olivia asked.

"Yeah, just need a moment."


"It's just, you normally--" Loki cut in.

"Loki, shut up. I was pruned before you even existed. I have been waiting for this moment my entire life. I just need a second to get my head straight, okay?"

"Sure. Of course." Olivia said.

The door then creaked open on its own, the old hinges squeaking as they moved. All three of them moved inside cautiously, being met with a large foyer. Pillars and cloaked statues with clocks for faces were colored similarly to the rest of the house, the same gold cracks webbing across the surface. The doors groaned shut behind them.

The room was too quiet. Sylvie had her hand on her sword, Loki's at the ready to summon his. Olivia kept her hands out, ready to fire at a moments notice.

"Hey, y'all!" The orange visage of Miss Minutes suddenly appeared in front of them. Loki and Sylvie drew their blades, Olivia blasting a bolt of green energy as she jumped from the greeting. Miss Minutes carelessly dodged out of the way, a too innocent smile on her face. Her pupils were dilated as if she had lost her mind.

"You again." Sylvie said.

"Welcome to the Citadel at the End of Time." Miss Minutes introduced.

"Come on." Loki whispered to the two women.

"Congratulations. Y'all had an awfully long journey to get here. He's impressed."

"Who's impressed?" Olivia asked.

"He Who Remains."

"And who is he?" Loki asked.

"He created all and he controls all. At the end, it's only He Who Remains. And he wants to offer you a deal. He's been making a few creative adjustments and he's worked it out so he can insert all of y'all back into the timeline in a way that won't disrupt things."

"'Won't disrupt things?'" Olivia repeated.

"Mmm-hmm. The TVA can keep doing its vital work and y'all can live the lives you've always wanted."

"And what have we always wanted?" Loki queried.

"Now, don't play coy with me, mister. You know how you got into this mess."

Time Variance Detected ☆Book 1☆(A Loki Series/Avengers AU)Where stories live. Discover now