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Perhaps unsurprisingly, the Time Door led Loki and Olivia right back to the TVA headquarters, the locker room to be specific. The alarms were blaring, though neither of them really knew why. Maybe it had something to do with the Charges the Variant had sent away.

"All Minute-Men to the Armory, Protect the Timeline." A warning over the PA system repeated as Loki looked around for the Variant.

"Where did she go?" Olivia asked.

"I don't know, but this place is in danger." Loki replied. Olivia rolled her eyes and glanced back at the red lockers lining the walls behind them. She pinpointed which one belonged to B-15 and opened it with ease. Loki's daggers sat on the top shelf inside. Olivia passed them to Loki, snatching a spare baton for herself as she couldn't use her abilities or summon a weapon. She switched the setting so the end flashed purple instead of orange, not wanting to prune the Variant by mistake.

They carefully crept their way through the halls lines with concrete and posters, unconscious Minute-Men scattered along the path. An old phone hung limp with its cord not quite reaching the floor. It emitted a dull beeping sound.

Olivia could hear groaning and punching noises from down the hall, so she and Loki sped up around the corner. There the Variant stood in front of a golden set of elevator doors, Minute-Men at her feet. Loki flipped his daggers and the Variant produced a short sword.

"Few questions." Loki said quickly.

"Have you really got nothing else better to do?" The Variant asked snidely, the three of them circling each other defensively.


"Are you sure you're a Loki?" Olivia asked.

"You're in my way." The Variant replied.

"You are our way." Loki shot back. The Variant thrust her sword forward, sending Loki stumbling back as Olivia's legs were kicked out from underneath her. "I thought perhaps we could all work together. But now I see you lack vision."

The Variant groaned and turned back towards the elevator doors, Olivia sticking her legs out to trip her. She fell forward, Loki grabbing her before she could hit the floor.

"So either you come willingly or you won't. Either way, that's how we get to meet the Time Keepers."

"Oh, God, SHUT UP!" The Variant screeched as she and Loki held blades at each other's throats, Olivia finally reaching her feet.

"Hey!" The familiar voice of Judge Renslayer called, two Minute-Men flanking her and all with drawn batons. The Variant turned on her heel quickly, putting her sword to Loki's throat, kicking Olivia down again.

"Come any closer and I'll kill them." The Variant threatened.

"Go for it." Ravonna goaded. She started for the small group, but Olivia pulled out the TemPad from the Variant's belt and managed to get a Time Door open below them. They all fell through, landing on a soft surface in a dimly lit room. The TemPad landed a few feet away, the Variant spotting it first and crawling over to it. Loki pulled her back to snatch it himself, dragging each other through the dirt on the ground.

"Get off my leg!" The Variant cried angrily. Loki grabbed the TemPad, but the Variant slammed his face into a nearby tray, grabbing the TemPad from him. "Goodbye, Variants."

"You're outta juice!" Miss Minutes' voice said from the TemPad. It was out of power.

"It's not working." The Variant said, a panicked tone in her voice. Olivia stood up and managed to dodge out of the way of the Variant's sword, teleporting behind her and shoving her aside. Loki groaned and grabbed the fallen TemPad. "Just give it back to me. You don't even know how to recharge it."

Time Variance Detected ☆Book 1☆(A Loki Series/Avengers AU)Where stories live. Discover now