Chapter 1

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Often times I try not to think about the past because it has been long gone. But, every now and then I get lost in the memories. They come in no particular order. And go by so fast as I relive them, that I lose myself, if only for a moment or two.

I catch myself often looking in the distance where there is nothing to be seen and I see the eyes..his eyes staring at me.

He wasn't my mate and could not in anyway compare to my beautiful Jaz, but he was my creator.

Then in the next moment it's all gone. Nothing and no one to be seen.

When I came here to my new home, I lied about one thing. I don't know why I lied about it but I did. See, most vampires after receiving their immortal life leave their mortal one behind and with it the memories that they had acquired thus far. But for me, I always remembered.. everything. I told them that I didn't, but I did. I said that all I knew was my name, Mary Alice Brandon, and the fact that I was in an insane asylum.

The one fact that my family believe is that I was turned in the asylum but that's not true at all. The Asylum is where my journey started but it is not where I died.

The Asylum sent the ones that couldn't be fixed away, ones like myself. Ones that there was truly no hope for. They packed them up and practically sent them away in boxes like little presents.

As they placed us, the crazies, on this plane to be transported wherever the hell they were taking us, they refused to answer us so instead of meaningless questions and dead conversation I observed the inside of the plane. It was fairly large and had quite a bit of supplies. Looked like rations, water, and guns?

Woah. Ok..proper freak out time. Where the hell are we going?

The name of the island they placed us on was Lian Yu. It's Mandarin for "purgatory."

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