Chapter 3

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As I continue to lose myself in the memory of him, I don't see Edward come up behind me until he asks me, "What was that?"

I don't really know what to say because I've always kept it hidden from them all. Even my Jasper. How do I say 'Hey so you know how I told you I lost my memories...welllll I really didn't and it was all an act because it was too painful to remember and at the time I wanted nothing more than to get away from it all' Ya good talk.

So instead my genius brain settles for "Uh?" Great. Man I'm such an idiot.

I realize that I can't keep it hidden anymore so I tell Edward to gather the whole family.


At the last moment because like I said before I'm an idiot I choose to refrain from the truth. Sorta. Technically. I'm not lying..that much. 

So I start out, "I think it was a memory of my past life. It was really sad wasn't it. I can't remember anything else though." Man my acting skills are great. Definitely movie worthy.

Edward and the rest seem to go along with it but he stills looks like he wants to question me. I know that he wants answers but I just can't give it to him or to anyone. None of the family can know. I don't know how they will treat me but it won't be like before. I'll be a monster and that's saying something considering what we are.

I'm glad though that I can keep it hidden from Edward. It's hard to be around a mind reader but I normally think about shopping. Oh how I do love shopping. 

But as of right now only one thought enters my mind. They can't know the truth. Not now. Maybe never. What would they think? Would they think me a monster?

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