Chapter 2

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Sometimes I wish I could forget the horrors that happened there...the unimaginable things that they did. That we did. That I did...and other times I crave how pure it was. You knew who you were with and who was against you. It always seemed so simple. Betrayal was a second nature and you had to earn respect..but not trust. You NEVER trust. You do..and your dead.

There were only a handful of people that I truly respected and even into my immortal life it's never gone away. Although it's far from who I really am and what I've done, I play my innocent go lucky character. Maybe it's to make others feel better about themselves and fall into a false sense of security. Or maybe its because I want to try and play a role I was never allowed to be.

As we all go our separate ways after school

Emmett to video games

Rosalie to online shopping

Jasper to read some books

Edward listening to soft music

Esme trying to learn to cook some Italian dish for Bella who will come over in the future

And of course Carlisle reading up on patient files

For me..I find myself accidentally going to a deeper part of my mind. A memory so long ago that I genuinely thought it really could be lost. A memory of him. Those eyes. Those damn eyes. They haunt me. They hold too many emotions to put to words.

That memory alone will be a reminder of the very worse time of my life. The way his lifeless eyes reflected back at me and I could do nothing but watch as he sacrifices himself to save me.

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