The Red Bracelet

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It wasn't easy to find a place in the park among all these people to smoke a joint in peace. "These security guys...I'm sure if they smell it they're going to kick us out the park" thought Ellie.

But this place, hidden behind the roller coaster, looked like only the staff could walk through it. No words were needed to say that, they had the ability to find the right place. Of course, the experience helped with that, and they even had a plan to scape, just in case to fe caught by the security staff.

Maverick was the first one to open his bag and get out the weed. It has pure green and could be smelled so far.

- That's all we have? - Milles asked

- It's enough for all the day

- We're just gonna get half of it, the rest for this afternoon - said Maverick

- I propose to smoke it all now -answered Milles

They both looked to Ellie to get the final decision. She always acted like the judge when the boys had a conflict and she always did all her best to take the best decision, so she considered that it would be better to have it for all the day. Just like the gap, she quitted the weed from Maverick's hand and started rolling it. She always rolled the best joints, helping with her femenine nails painted in red that sometimes they left a mark. It was easy to guess who had rolled it and that wasn't the exception. The rule was the one who rolled it, smoked it first and they always respected it, so she put the joint in her mouth and lighted it.

They started talking about the day they first met, just one year before. Today they were celebrating it.

- Oh man, today is the day. It seems it was yesterday we met... and now we're celebrating our first year together - said Milles

- Yes, I love you my stupid boys - answered Ellie with a smile in her face

- Where are we gonna go first?

- This roller coaster looks good

- Guys, please think twice before going there. I don't wanna puke - said Ellie when she passed the joint to Maverick

This was the time to make a plan. Milles quited a map of the park from his pocket and they started arguing about what route they should follow, but even though Ellie tried to act like a judge, they couldn't find the right one, so the best thing they could do was just improvise.

- I suggest to leave the Horror House till the end, when we'd be tired - said Milles now smoking him

- Oh, I don't know. I think that with all the scares they will wake us up and I saw the queue was too long...

- Damn, Ellie - said Maverick - the girl said that with this bracelet we didn't have to wait to enter, remember it?

- Oh wow, I totally forget about it - replied when she start laughing loud

- Why do you think they gave us this bracelet? - Milles answered

- I don't know, bro. Maybe they daily choose some lucky people to enjoy it more

- Noooo, they did because they saw we're soooo cooooool - Ellie said with the eyes in red and a big smile in her face

- Oh guys, look! The bracelet is turning green.

And he was right, all of them could see a degradation between red and green that looked so cool.

- Oh, no it detected we're high! They're gonna find us to kick us out!

- Don't be paranoid, Ellie. This can't detect if we're on drugs and of course it can't locate us. They're not made for this.

Ellie tried to quit it just in case, but she couldn't. It was impossible to quit it from their wrists.

- Guys, it's impossible to quit that! I'm right it detected we're high and it locked it. Guess if they know our live location!

- Oh come on Ellie - said Milles while she threw away the joint - that's not true and you know it. Let's go to the roller coaster, we deserve to enjoy this day!

Ellie accepted and the three friends moved away ready to start what should be one of the best days of their lives.

But there was one thing they didn't know: Ellie was right.

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