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Ellie waked up.

She had a horrible nightmare she would never have imagined. She was in a theme park with her friends, and suddenly all of them died one by one being eaten alive by some evil girls and she.

She looked around and she was next to the skate park. The sun shined over all the people there, but it was not too hot. Neither was too cold; there was the perfect temperature.

- Oh! Look who has woken up - said Milles

- You were high as fuck - said Maverick while he laughed.

Ellie had no words to describe what she had just dreamed. She tried to explain them, except the part where she thought that Milles deserved to die and the one where she enjoyed eating some one.

"There was a horror house and..." "...and then a zombie killed Milled and..." "...and I was trapped in a chair and everyone was looking at me and..."

The boys couldn't stop laughing at her.

- Yes, so killed by a zombie girl ah? said Milles

- You saved us

- And how did she kill me?

- Well, she...

- She's a zombie, she ate you, bro! - continued Maverick.

His voice, she could hear this voice for hours and she would never get tired.

- Ellie, we gotta confess something... About your nightmare I think that we... - said Maverick

- You put MDMA in the joint? - she was ahead

- Did you know it? - asked Milles

- Now I do

- Damn! - said Maverick

- And don't call it nightmare, I consider it just a weird dream

Both boys looked at each other without understanding anything.

- Hey, I'm going to pee - said Milles while he walked away -. I'll take you a bottle of water!

They saw how he disappeared in the distance and they got closer. When they looked in the eyes they knew they both wanted to kiss. Although friendship could be destroyed, it would be worth it to try it. Closing their eyes they put mouth to mouth and the kiss came slowly. She put her hand into Maverick's chick while he put his hand into her hip, ready to get two minutes of passion.

- A long time ago I wanted to do that - said Maverick

Ellie laughed quietly hiding her mouth with her hand.

- I'm serious, I think I love you Ellie

- I love you too Maverick. I think you always knew it. - said while she leaned her head into his shoulder -.

There was a silence that Ellie, who felt comfortable, decided to break.

- In my dream...

- Oh, now it's not a "weird dream" anymore

- Yes, well, in my "weird dream" you died because of me, just like Milles

- What do you mean?

- Milles saved our lives but I was the one who avoided him to save he's. And you... I ate you alive, swallowing you just like a pill

- Come on, it was just a dream

- The point is... that I enjoyed it

- Killing us?

- Yes... In both cases I was who decided, voluntary or involuntary, who lived and who died, like a judge. But I don't know why, in the end, I got a little bit excited when I saw people getting eaten alive by another one. I didn't know at that moment, but now I do.

- Would you eat me now?

- Yes... I would. Actually... I enjoyed digesting you. I was too frightened to see it, but I did. Am I a bad person for that?

- Of course you aren't. If I could shrink people, I would hunt anyone to give it to you, even Milles if you asked me

- Oh... that's so...romantic? If I could choose I my first meal would be Allie! - said while she laughed.

The laugh infected Maverick and they both felt like fools. Fools who loved each other.

Suddenly a pregnant woman passed in front of them who Ellie had seen before but she didn't remember where. A bad smell was in the zone, an organic one.

- Congratulations - said the pregnant woman -. Something in you has just awakened. Don't feel bad for that!

She recognized she was the girl who swallowed Milles, but not characterized like a zombie. When the pregnant woman opened her mouth in front of her she heard Milles screaming from her big belly.

When she turned to see Maverick, he had disappeared. Now he was in her stomach trying to escape. Ellie looked at her belly and saw the shape of him begging for mercy. She was about to put her fingers in her throat to vomit him, but she was enjoying it. Digesting the love of her life to be together forever. No, she wouldn't stop that so she put her hands into her belly, caring for it. Ellie was imagining the both boys being digested.

The bad smell became stronger till she opened her eyes.

She was in real life again, in the park. She understood that this had just been a dream and her friends were dead. She touched her and she was completely nude without the red bracelet, and in front of her she had a giant mouth pointing to her.

- Oh, you just woke up - said Mayka while she opened her mouth, passing her tongue through her lips and covering her with her bad smell that woke her up.

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