A Coffee With Mayka

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- Where... where am I?

She immediately understood that she had been shrunk and was in Mayka's hand. It was comfortable and soft but dangerous. A bad move or word and she could crush her. In front of her she had her big giant mouth.

When she looked around she saw that she was out of the horror house and she was in the restaurant again.

- You almost won the game, darling - answered Mayka while she was holding a cup of coffee. Mayka put a little bit of coffee in her hand where Ellie was. Ellie felt the high temperature of it and jumped to avoid burn more.

- You... you've shrunk me!

- Actually it wasn't me but the bracelet. Look, you don't have it now! - answered the big mouth.

Ellie touched her wrist and she felt nothing but her skin. The red bracelet had disappeared.

- Curious, most teens get mad when they see too tiny in my hand, but you...

She didn't admit she was still on drugs, although Mayka knew it.

- I saw too much today - she said

- You're almost done - answered Mayka opening her mouth

- I think that now I get it, when the guy in the door said that the game ended once we reached the dark room it meant once we reached some stomach. The dark room doesn't exist, does it?

- Oh, after all you're smarter than I thought. Not bad to be an E class student.

- I'm not from the E class

- Yes, you're. Don't lie to me! - shouted the big mouth

- I swear I'm not!

- Then why the hell were you in the queue with them?

- Our queue didn't move, and we wanted to enter as soon as possible.

- Oh, stupid girl. That's literally the worst decision you could take! Look, where are your friends now? Dead! And all to change the queue!

- What's that about?

Mayka sighed, covering Ellie with her hot and bad breath.

- We don't need fools in our country. E class is full of fools and we have to purge by some way. They had the opportunity to ascend in a descendant class and they would be safe, but they are just a ballast in our society! We just select what kind of future we want, so we have to choose who survives and who doesn't.

- So you finish eating them? No matter the age. They're people with names and family!

- It's not about today but tomorrow. You're too young to understand it.

- The girls looked like they were having fun when they ate my mates.

- It's hard to explain. They know they are making a good action and you can't judge them for what they do.

- They enjoyed it!

- Because that's fucking addictive! When you feel you have the power, the power to decide who lives and who dies and execute them yourself... And when they try to escape, freaking out and thinking they would have a chance and will survive...fools! But the most enjoyable part is when they move around your stomach and you feel how they slowly stop, getting tired and digested...

- You're a psychopath!

- Don't you dare to say that! No when you enjoyed it too! I saw it in your eyes, who you thought would be the love of your life... you just felt what all of us felt. You never forget the first person you eat. Am I wrong?

- No... I...I... - Ellie started crying-. I enjoyed it!

- That's normal and you're not a psychopath for that. It's in our DNA, to eat or to be eaten. you have to be dominant!

- I'm not like you!

- No baby, you're worst. You let your friend die. The one who saved your life. Do you know how many girls would have enjoyed swallowing you whole?

She didn't want to answer and looked down.

- Yes, you know it - said Mayka

- But why were they too tall?

- Tall? Well, that's relative. Just because they were double sized doesn't mean they were tall.

- What do you mean?

- Remember Irina, the one who you called "the giantess" who ate one of my girls?

- She almost eats me

- Well, she's actually 5.2 feet

- Do you mean...

- Yes, you've been shrinked when you were sliding through the slide.

- How?

- The red bracelets! They have the technology to shrink anyone!

- That's impossible!

- Impossible? After all you have seen today you have the value to tell me that's impossible? From my hand? Ha! - laughed Mayka.

- I was the one who had the red bracelet more times. Why?

- Oh, I selected you in the restaurant, remember? I saw in your eyes that you were afraid of me, and although now you aren't, trust me you will be in short. The one who I select is the one who dies last one. Irina and all the girls knew they couldn't touch you; I selected you as my meal, Ellie, that's why no girl dared to touch you.

- But I'm not from the E class! You can't eat me!

- Oh darling, Allie's friends weren't either, and now they're begging me mercy from my stomach. They will be glad to see there's another one dying with them. I don't only eat foolish people, there are other people who deserve to die, like the ones with a high IQ or the ones who know too much, like you. Today is gonna be a good day!

Ellie looked so quiet. By some way she was happy she was about to die; she didn't want to live anymore.

- When people are about to die their body releases a substance called oxytocin. It gives you a very delicious savour, especially to the teenagers, my favourite meal. But you... you don't look afraid. Is it because of the drugs? Yes, I know you've smoked weed. Actually I'll get a little bit high once I've digested you. Trust me, if I hadn't eaten you yet it's because you aren't afraid and too curious. You deserve to know the truth before dying.

- Is there a chance for you to forgive my life? - said drinking a little bit of coffee from her hand, like if she didn't care about the answer.

- No

Ellie was wishing to finish with that. "You bad bitch" -she thought- " wait for the MDMA effect to feel as paranoid as me". That would be Ellie's revenge, but at the same time she felt too insignificant. All the adult she met before trated her as a princess. Adults weren't evil, she hadn't met anyone yet till now. Mayka was the exception that proved that not all the adults were good people.

- It's not about the drugs - she answered -. We've smoked a joint, yes, but I see you know it. What you don't know it's that for some reason I'm wishing to die. Today I saw my friends die because of me, and I enjoyed digesting the one who could have been the love of my life. You don't feel what I felt today, all these people watching me as if I were part of the show. Some of them were even laughing while my best friends were dying! I have a rage inside that only death will be able to calm, so just do it! Crush me or do whatever you have to do, but do it now!

Mayka laughed while she finished her coffee.

- Oh, "the love of my life", you're so cute - said while she approached her mouth to her -. That's why I love eating you!

Mayka opened her mouth and started introducing Ellie inside. Just then Ellie remembered that she was inside of who was the one who she was afraid before. The strong breath that smells like -literally- death made her put her feet on the ground again.

And now it was time to fight for her life, but Mayka was too big. She wanted to live, she deserved it!

"Oh my god, what the fuck did you do?"

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