10. He Proposed

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"Right this way m'lady" Harry uses his hand directing me to our dining room table. A giggle falls from my lips as he scoots my chair in for me. Harry sits down across from me smiling. His dimples popping.

We have been together for 3 years now and he still never stops amazing me. Harry holds up his index finger as he jumps up. When he returns he is holding a bottle of champagne.

"Getting me drunk on our anniversary I see." His eyes are so full of life tonight and him happy makes me even more.

"We have been together for 3 years that deserves a celebration." Harry chuckles pouring us both a drink.

"You said that last year, and the year before that." He try's hiding his smirk behind his glass.

"And I will continue saying every year." The thought of my future with Harry makes me smile. We have always talked about getting married and having a big family.

A bing interrupts my thoughts.

"Dinners done" Harry smiles jumping out of his seat.

"You cooked?" I say a bit louder so he can hear me.

"No of course not. I still want us to have a home tomorrow." Harry walks in holding the pizza box. He sets it down in front of me. I immediatly open it. My eyebrows furrow as I read the box.

"Will you Marry me?" I whisper the words to myself. Harry opens a little black box next to the pizza box revealing a shiny diamond ring. My hands cover my mouth as I gasp.

"Is this to cheesy?" He smiles at his pun. Tears flood my eyes, jumping up and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Will you marry me y/n?" Harry asks getting down on one knee. He holds the small black box in his large hands.

"Yes. God yes I will marry you Harry" he nervously slides the ring on my shaking hand.

"I love you so much y/n" Harry stands wrapping his arms around me spinning.

"I love you Harry" My hands cup his face smashing my lips his.

"Happy Anniversary future Mrs. Styles." Harry grins.

A/n Please checkout my other fanfic. I'll be updating this more often(: PLS vote

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