sibling jealously

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*Archer and Sparrow are experiencing some sibling jealousy over their baby sister. Thank you to Rami-Is-A-Sweetheart for helping me write this! Enjoy! ❤️*

Today, Tyler was taking care of Hazel quite a bit, since she's only a newborn. Korey was running some much needed errands that haven't been done since Hazel arrived.

Archer and Sparrow both feel left out and they both really want attention from their mom.

"Mom, can we go to the park today?" Sparrow asks, looking down at Hazel for a moment.

"I can't take you two to the park today, I'm sorry. Hazel needs to stay home so she won't get sick." Tyler says and Sparrow frowns.

"But Dad is coming over to spend the day with you two! Maybe he can take you guys!" Tyler adds, picking up Hazel and rocks her.

"But we wanna go to the park with you!" Archer says and his twin brother nods.

Though the boys love spending time with Troye, they are feeling sad about not hanging out with Tyler like they always did.

"I also need to rest, though." Tyler explains gently, which doesn't seem to help.

Sparrow pouts and stomps out of the room, crossing his arms.

"Why'd she have to come here?" Sparrow mumbles to himself, walking around grumpy.

Archer sighs with annoyance, following Sparrow out of the room.

Troye then knocks on the door, but neither kids answer it.

Tyler stands up and opens the door with one hand, inviting Troye in and holding Hazel with the other hand.

"Hello, how it's going?" Troye asks politely noticing his kids haven't rushed over to him like always.

"It could be better. I think the boys officially hate me now." Tyler says as he and Troye walk into the living room together.

Troye then smiles and softly rubs Hazel's head as Hazel looks up at him. Hazel is now awake after only taking a thirty minute nap.

"Why do you say that, Ty? What's wrong?" Troye asks Tyler curiously.

"Because, Hazel is in her fussy newborn phase and she needs to be held and comforted all day long. Just like our boys were at this age. Korey finally left the house today to run some much needed errands for all of us and Korey will be back at work in a few more weeks, luckily at home but still he won't be able to help me a lot during the workday. I haven't been able to spend much needed time with the boys and I am just stressed out." Tyler says as he frowns and tries to not cry.

"The boys don't hate you, Ty. Don't ever think that. They love you both so much. Both of them are Mommy's boys even though they won't admit it. A new baby is a new thing to them and they didn't know what to expect. Of course friends told them things about a baby but you know how little kids are. I remember Steele and I feeling the same way when Sage was born. You and Korey are doing a great job with Hazel and the boys. Three kids is a lot. I don't know my parents did it with the four of us. But you need to make sure you rest and take care of yourself." Troye says to Tyler.

"I didn't think having a baby with them being seven years older would be this hard and emotional." Tyler says with a frown.

"The boys are just use to having your full attention all of the time. I promise it will get better over time." Troye says, trying to comfort Tyler.

"I don't want the boys to hate Hazel. I don't want her to be the annoying little sister." Tyler says as he frowns.

"Don't worry, they'll be alright. Eventually, the boys will see how fun it is to have a little sister to teach things to!" Troye assures Tyler, giving him a gentle pat on the back.

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