first day of school!

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*This is a time skip from the previous chapter! I wanted this book timeline to match the others! Archer and Sparrows are 8 and Hazel is 16 months! Thank you to BrianBadgerMay for helping me write this! Enjoy! 📚📌🎓✏️

August 17th

Today is first day of school for Archer and
Sparrow! This school year they are going into third grade, meaning they will be in the upper part of elementary school. Archer and Sparrow won't be in the "little kid" area anymore.

So right now, the twins, Hazel, Tyler and Korey are all enjoying breakfast together!

"Thanks for making brekkie, Uncle Korey!" Archer and Sparrow both say happily to Korey.

Hazel babbles as a thanks, understanding what brekkie was. Though her big brothers didn't use Aussie slang much, she knew enough to not be confused.

It takes Korey a minute to process what the boys said, then he nods, figuring it out.

"Oh, no problem! I thought you'd all like eggs,
fruit and toast for your first day of school breakfast." Korey answers.

"Guys, you know it confuses him when you speak in Australian words." Tyler tells his kids with a giggle.

"Oh, sorry, Uncle Korey!" Archer apologizes to Korey.

"Sorry, Uncle Korey!" Sparrow says to Archer with a giggle.

"That's okay! It's good to know." Korey accepts the boys apology with a big grin.

Korey knows that the boys know Aussie slang from their dad, Troye.

After they both finish eating their breakfast, the boys happily run upstairs to go get dressed and ready for their first day of third grade!

Last night the boys picked out their first day outfits! The boys will be wearing the same polo shirt, just in different colors.

The boys sometimes like to match their outfits and today is one of those days! The boys also chose some dark jeans to go with their polos.

Tyler cleans up from breakfast while he holds Hazel in his other arm. Korey chuckles at him and smiles at his two favorite people.

"You know you don't have to do everything, Ty,
you do so much!" Korey tells his partner.

Tyler nods and hands the little girl to her father, and he laughs too.

"Sorry! Guess I got used to that, force of habit." Tyler says, then packs up the boys' lunches while they're still getting dressed and ready.

Korey gets Hazel dressed into clean clothes, since she got ketchup on her shirt.

Archer and Sparrow pack their backpacks up and talk about how class will be.

Archer and Sparrow pack their backpacks up and talk about how class will be

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