Imagine 2

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You walk down the school hallways. Your a little bit nervous for a couple of reasons. 1) You haven't seen Jacob all day long. 2) Today was your last chance to be asked to homecoming and you were hoping Jacob would ask you.

You two have been best friends for years but lately, the hugs you'd give and the goodnight texts you'd send, seem to mean a little more than usual.

You finally walk into your last period class, disappointed and very upset.

The second you walk in the classroom your frown turns into a smile.

Jacob is standing there, with a bouquet of flowers in hand. Deezy and Grant stand by his sides. Dylan is holding a giant poster with the word "Homecoming?" on it, and Grant is playing Thinking Out Loud on the guitar.

Jacob walks up to you, gets down on one knee, and asks.

"Y/N. Will you do me the honor of going to homecoming with me?"

At first you're so shocked that it actually happened, that you just stare at him for a few seconds.

A small frown forms across his face.

You quickly wrap your arms around him and he hugs you tight around your waist.

"So is this a yes?" He asks.

"Of course, idiot." You laugh and he hugs you tighter.

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