- Loved You Since - [b.b]

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Loved You Since

Ben barnes

Word Count:

During one of
his interviews ben
tells, the first time he
saw y/n he fell in love

Feeling overwhelmed
Nothing more :)

By fictionalstories625

Prompts Used:

Author's Note: 
I am so extremely
sorry for the delay
you requested this
back in May and I am
just now posting it,
again extremely sorry,
Hope you like this <3

*No prompts were requested*

˚⸙͎۪۫⋆ ༄˚⸙͎۪۫⋆ ༄

When you are in the limelight 24/7, there's no way to tell who is your genuine friend and who is with you just because you are famous. But there are certain people, who don't care about how famous you are or, how much money you have.

The fame was not new to ben either, he was used to it, though that never means that being the centre of attraction didn't overwhelmed him, because it did, quite frequently to be fair. But there was someone who calmed his nerve everytime, he looked at her, her one smile could lighten up in matter of mere seconds, the love of his life, his y/n

If you would ask him, where was his home? he'd always answer with, his home is whenever he is with her.

"So ben, you're finally off the market, you're not single anymore?" The interviewer asked ben, as he pointed at the screen, where a picture of y/n and ben was on display, holding hands.

"I..urm...yes." Ben replied as he laughed nervously, shifting in his seat, as he looked at the picture with nothing but pure adoration, on how he was able to get such a wonderful woman, like her to become his partner.

"Don't be shy ben, everyone wants to know! how did the two of you met?" The interviewer questioned again, as the audience, erupted in a series of, 'Spill, spill, spill'. Ben heartily chucked at everyone's anticipation, but nevertheless began to tell the story of how the two of them met.

It was a sunny day in London, Ben was back home for a few days, before he had to move to another country for 3 months to start shooting for his new project. He had plans with his younger brother Jack, to go to the movies, and then just mindlessly wander throughout London, just like they used to do as kids. But due to some work calls, Jack dropped the plan, hence leaving ben, to enjoy the alone.

Ben cancelled the movie tickets not wanting to watch the movie without his brother, and decided to just take a stroll on the London streets, he passed many shops, some big some small, that was until something or rather someone, caught his attention. A woman, who looked nearly his age, maybe a year or two younger was working.

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