The Plan (Chapter 5)

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I almost forgot about this for a hot second 😃
Anyways! Enjoy Chapter 5!


3rd Person POV

Shuichi, Rantaro, Kaede, Maki and Kaito continued watching the whole series during the weekend for their project

---TimeSkip brought to you by our friend Anxiety---

Shuichi POV

Thank Atua we finished watching that hell of a show, I can't believe we all had to live through that nightmare

"Kokichi was the antagonist huh....." I whispered to myself

Maki said Kokichi was an asshole but to be honest.... It made his character stand out the most, atleast.... from what I can see, although in-game me looked like he hated him...

"Shuichi!" Kaede yelled in my ear making me jump a little

Oh right we are at the cafeteria having lunch

"Sidekick you okay?" Kaito asked in a worried tone

"Yes i'm fine, I just spaced out a little" I answered

"I can't believe that little gremlin killed me!" A voice behind me spoke up

I turned around to see Miu and some other classmates who were sitting next to our table

"You finished watching it Miu?" Kaede asked which Miu replied with a proud nod

"Gonta apologize for killing Miu!" Gonta said slightly apologetically bowing

"It's fine! The little abortion is at fault anyway" Miu said in a huff

"Weren't you the one planning to kill Kokichi, Miu?" I said without thinking

"W-well I-" Miu said "Then you can't say its all his fault, can you?" I interrupted with a slight glare

"Err.. Shuichi calm down a bit" Kaede said trying to calm me down

After I realized what I just did I pulled my hat down slightly

"S-sorry...." I muttered

--Time skip brought to you by Kokichi's gravity defying hair--

I spent all the time in my class thinking if I should tell everyone my plan on making it up to Kokichi, It was already our final period when we just got news that our teacher had to leave due to an emergency and class was cancelled, Before everyone started to leave I spoke up

"U-uhm excuse me everyone...." I spoke a little louder than i'm used to

Now everyone's stares were pointed at me and I walked to the front of the class

"Shuichi is something wrong?" Kaede asked "N-no... I just wanted to tell you guys something" I replied

"So what'd you wanna speak about Poo-ichi?" Miu asked

"It's about Kokichi--" I was interrupted when Maki slammed her fists to her table

"You mean that asshole?!" Maki yelled

And now everyone is either agreeing with Maki or trying to calm her down

"Maki roll..." Kaito said while putting a hand on her shoulder "I know you might not be fond with Kokichi but atleast hear Sidekick out" Kaito said persuading her

"Fine." Maki said in her cold voice

"T-thanks Kaito..." I feel a sense of relief "Anyway.... I know some of us hate his guts and some not as much but..... that was months ago we should try fixing what we broke and that's his trust, s-so.... if you don't wanna listen to what i'm about to say then..... the door is right there" I said expecting all of them to leave but....

Nobody left?

I looked at them in disbelief

"Well sidekick, you broke his trust the most but I can see where your getting at" Kaito spoke up

"I might not like the little asshole.... But since Kaito is staying the I am too." Maki said hiding her face with her hair

"Well... making new friends doesn't sound too bad right guys!" Kaede said which everybody else nodded

"Gonta would like to be friends with Kokichi once again!" Gonta exclaimed with a happy smile

"Nyeh... fine" Himiko lazily said

"If Himiko joins then I join! I won't leave her with degenerate males!" Tenko added

"It would be nice to be a mother figure to him once again" Kirumi said with a motherly smile

"Atua agrees with Shuichi" Angie said with her signature laugh

I smiled at them "Thank you everyone"

"So what's the plan Poo-ichi?" Miu asked




Next chapter is Kokichi's POV
Thank god now the story is back on its main plot
Hope you enjoyed! See ya next chapter!

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