Kokichi Ouma (Birthday Special)

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This has nothing to do with the Fan Fic
But I wanted to do a Birthday Chapter anyways
Happy Birthday to our 🍇Beloved Grape Baby🍇


Kokichi POV

Me and Shumai have been living together for 8 months now
But today feels rather strange...

First thing that stood out is; Shumai not being beside me once I opened my eyes

Normally I'd see his golden eyes waiting for me to wake up, His warm embrace that still gives me butterflies, his warm smile that always lights up my day

But today there was none of that

Instead, when I woke up I only saw an empty space next to me, A cold aura around the room, The sun shines but the room still seems dark in my eyes

Where did Shumai go?

I get up and walk to the bathroom to freshen myself up

I look to the mirror to see a face I haven't seen for a long time

My face was gloomy, It didn't have the usual smile that I used to have, Maybe because I didn't see Shuichi's face like I used to

I pat my cheeks

"Okay! I shouldn't be a clingy Boyfriend! Maybe he left early...right?" I tried reassuring myself though it didn't seem to work


I did my usual routine and put on some comfy clothes before I head downstairs to eat breakfast

As I walk down the stairs and walked to the kitchen I saw a plate of food on the counter

"Hm?" I saw a note beside the plate of food

"Hey Kich, I had to leave early for work. Please eat all the food on the plate. I'll come back around 7pm. Love You!"

I smile at the note

But something didn't feel right....

I looked at the calendar

'June 21....' Wait- My birthday?!

I looked back at the note and read everything again and again

"No Happy Birthday? Or did Shuichi forget...." Ah... today is already starting out bad

I finished all the food Shuichi made for me and went to the sink to wash it

As I rinsed the plate with water I notice some markings on the bottom

'Look all over the house and spot the difference' the writing said

"This is Shumai's handwriting" I look around the kitchen

'Everything looks the same.....' I went to the living room and smelled a scent that was different

"Lavender?" I look around and spotted a Lavender bouquet in a vase on the window sill with a note attached to the ribbon wrapping the bouquet

'Congrats! You found the first clue! The next is a bit far where we almost crashed the car on our first date!'

I chuckled at the memory

"The Park it is then!" I went to grab the keys from our bedroom and changed into more suitable clothes because I don't wanna walk outside in a purple panta shirt with cat pants

I walk outside to my purple car that Shuichi surprised me with during our anniversary

-Timeskip to the Park-

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