chapter 9:Kaiser kong in NYC

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Chrysler building, nyc:

reporter: how did you find this wild, savage man?

Theodore: well, ma'am, i was searching on an old island, when i found this wild, savage, native man, there was a whole village of them! it was disgusting, i had to bring them back to the civilized world.


it was KK, he grew to 340 meters tall, Francis jumped out of the building, into Kong's hand, where he was placed beside Jeff and Jeff (M), who were carried there by KK. KK then fired lasers at the iconic art deco roof of the Chrysler building, destroying it, Theodore survived, along with his bodyguard, who fired an RPG-7 at KK, who shrugged them off like they were nothing. He then spread out his buttcheeks. As soon as Theodore saw this the cheeks spread, he said:

Theodore: OH HELL NAW

and put noise cancelling headphones in

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