Silencer 2.0 (Part 1)

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"So~ Lotus has been in Paris for 3 weeks now. Her feelings for Luka has grown. While Luka's feelings has also grown without him even noticing.

(Please don't hate Marinette or Alya in this book. They'll become nicer tho Marinette is always nice...she just got jealous.) So~ Enjoy!"

It was a normal day in Paris everyone chatting, birds sinnging and Flowers blooming. Let's go join the Couffaine's ship. "You know I love Unicorns nothing makes me feel better!" Rose sang and finished her song "Wow guys. That was Awesome!" A girl said while walking onto the ship. They all turn to said girl. She had blonde hair fading to purple with red tips. Her eyes were brown, full of love and innocence. Her purple and white shirt with the sleeves to long for her. Her belt was purple with a pink bow. She wore short jeans with fishnets(The sock type) and purple shoes that looked like shoes a fairy would wear.


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[Yes. She's made with Gacha. I can't draw...ಠ_ಠ(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ') ]

"Hey Lotus!" They greeted untill they noticed Diamond wasn't there(She's usually with her) "Where's Diamond?" Rose asks Lotus looked at them confused "She didn't tell you?" She asks  now it's their turn to look confused "Tell us what?" They said in onution "She went to go get an old friend of ours!" Lotus replied with a smile. "Who is this "Friend" if I may ask." Marinette said. Lotus shook her head "Not my place to tell... besides you don't want to know her." She said "Who doesn't want to know who." A voice said from behind Lotus "Gah!" Lotus jumped out of fear.

"Long time no see Deku." Lotus groaned and turned around "Didn't I tell you to not call me that?" She said and looked the brunette in the eyes "Nope. Don't remember you ever saying that." Said the brunette girl. She had shortish brown hair with blue tips. She had blue eyes but the other one was covered by a flower type eyepatch with blue and cyan flowers. She wore a white turtle neck shirt with a blue stripe on it with blue sleeves and grey sleeves underneath. She also wore short jeans. She had a bandage on one leg and a burn on the other one. She had brown shoes and she looked like she could harm you at anytime of day.

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