💔Chapter 6💔

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(Brandon) the boys and I walk in our house "we seen that the convo with Sophia didn't go so good" Austin says "she wants nothing to do with me" I tell them "well then just let it go , move on from this" Zion says "I can't do that" I say "and why not" Nick ask "she's in pain and she is struggling" I answer "if she gets no help she isn't gonna get better and she will go back to the tree" I add "So what are you gonna do" Edwin ask.

"I don't know but I'll find out what's about her , I will , I'm gonna help" I nod "well you do that and you keep us updated" Austin points at me and I chuckle before walking upstairs and into my room.

(Sophia) I fall back onto the couch . Am being mean? Was I to harsh? He is only trying to help but I don't know the real him either. What if he's playing with me or pretending . I don't want to tell him and then for him to go out to expose me or whatever you wanna call it. I feel it's better to hold it all in and say nothing. I been hurt enough so I don't need to get hurt again or feel any more pain

(Later that night) I been debating weather or not I should apologize to Brandon about earlier. I do have his number from that night. If I was him I wouldn't wanna help me anymore or even talk to me. I pull my phone out and click on Brandon's contact.

"Hi , I'm sorry for being mean today"
"I just don't want any help"

I send two messages to him and now I wait for his response. Well that's even if he response to me.

                    Brandon from school
"No don't apologize, it's okay"
"I understand but I just want you to get better"

I can't help but actually smile at the message. Maybe he does care. Maybe I'm overreacting about the whole thing and he really wants to help. I have a lot of thinking to do.

(Morning) My car won't start. Why? I have no clue and I need to get to school. When I asked Hazel she told me no , just straight "no" . So my last option is Brandon but I really don't want to. If my dad finds out I didn't got to school he will flip out on me.
I pull my phone and text Brandon . Plus I really don't walk either . I hate walking to school.

"Morning, my car is being dumb and I was    wondering if you could give me a ride?

I hesitate before finally hitting send and about 2 minutes later . I see his name pop up

                      Brandon from school
  "Good day for this since the boys are getting a ride from Austin's girlfriend. I'll be there in 10"

I send him my address
(10 minutes later) I hear a car beep outside my house . For some reason I'm nervous. I kinda totally forgot he has been my crush since 6th grade. My crush wants to talk to me and help me then I push him away. Any girl would be so excited if their crush was like this but it's different for me . We didn't bump into each other in the halls or get put together for a school project. He stopped me from ending it all at the hanging tree that night.
I grab my bag and phone before walking outside to see him in his car.

I open the door as he greets me with a smile . I sit down and put my seatbelt on "sorry about this , I didn't know who else to text" I lie cause I really had no one to text. "It's all good , I'm glad you asked and didn't decide to walk" he starts to drive as I just look in front of me at the rode.

"How are you" he ask and I look at him "mhm stupid question, sorry" he chuckles nervously "Hey isn't Hazel your best friend" he ask "yeah she .... is" I hesitate "the pause made it seem not convincing" he says "she can be a lot sometimes" I tell him "does she know about anything" he ask "Brandon I really don't wanna talk about that stuff" I say

"Sorry" he apologized "what about your friends" I ask "they also are a lot but not the bad kind" he smiles . "They are basically like my brothers" he nods "family" he adds "seems nice" I reply
"Tell me about your friends" he says "you mean Hazel" I question "her too but all your friends" he says "what friends" I ask and he looks at me.

"Hazel is all you have" he says "yea" I whisper "sometimes I don't even think she's my friend" I admit "then why keep her" he ask "she's all I have" I shrug my shoulders. He looks at me like he wants to say something but decides not to say anything.

We arrive in front of the school . We both get out "uh thanks" I turn to him "yeah of course" he nods before we walk in the school and I speed past Brandon not wanting to be seen with him . I don't want to be bothered but I think it's to late. A guy comes up to me "you just take any chance you can get with any guy huh?" He smirks

"yoo" I see Brandon come in front of me "yeah stick up for your hoe" he says "don't call-" I put my hand up to Brandon's chest "no , just leave it alone" i whisper before walking away and to my first class

(Lunch) The food here is so nasty. Sometimes they have good things but today is not one of those days. I figured I would just walk the halls. Most of the teachers are on break and most students are eating.
I see I think one of Brandon's friends walking towards me . I wanna say it's ...... Nick? I think that's his name or I could be wrong. "Hey are you Sophia" he ask "and who are you" I question

"My had I'm friends with Brandon . My names Nick" I got it right "Oh well yeah I'm Sophia" I nod "listen I don't mean squeeze my way into the situation but if I'm being completely honest Brandon cares" I roll my eyes "no just he does , he cares about a lot of things and sometimes to much" he chuckles "but he's really trying to help" he adds

"I'm not gonna believe his best friend . How do I know he didn't tell you to say that" I ask "he is right , you are kinda difficult" my jaw drops a bit "don't call me difficult when you know nothing about me or what I go through" I snap "now if you'd excuse me I don't want to talk anymore" I walk past him "I'm sorry . But seriously Brandon is a nice guy nicer than the others , he's only trying to help" he says and I just walk away from him.

(End of the day) there's about 4 minutes left In the last class .I'm gonna leave early. " may I go to the bathroom" I ask "go ahead" I grab my bag after putting my things in it then walk out. We have a lot homework this week and it's only TUESDAY!
I walk to my locker before grabbing the rest of my stuff . I close it for some random guy to be behind it like the movies . "You came out of Brandon's car earlier , you know I was right" he says "huh"

He shakes his head "I was right you are a hoe" he chuckles "you are the one that put that note in my locker" I exclaim "I don't even know you" I say "but I know you , ya know I'm best friends with Noah" My face goes blank and I feel like time froze from hearing that name . I start to breath fast and the tears that are feeling my eyes are the type that I don't think I will be able to stop. "I'll tell him you said hi" the guy leaves and I begin to panic .

The flashbacks start racing through my mind and I begin to sob before trying to get to the nearest bathroom . I bump into someone and realize who it is by their outfit "hey hey what's wrong" Brandon ask and he holds Onto my arms . I just shake my head back and forth as tears fall "I-I need to go home" I cry "okay come on" he says and I push him away "no no just go and leave me alone" I speed walk past him and into the girls bathroom .

(1 hour later) I finally calm down. I bet the teachers are gone and the janitors are somewhere cleaning. I take a deep breath and look in the mirror . A damn mess is what I am and what I look like. I walk out the bathroom . It's very quiet and the halls are  empty. I'm walking home which is my fault , I told Brandon to leave and school has been over for an hour. I walk outside . Is that his car? He looks at me "come on" he says and I stare at him for a couple seconds before walking and getting in

"Why are you still here" I look at Brandon and ask "I was waiting for you" he says and I weak smile "I don't think I ever seen you smile" he says "cause I don't" I nod "but why did you wait" I ask "because you need someone , I wasn't gonna let you walk home" He answers. "Thank you" I say "What was wrong earlier" he ask "Something just happened"

He nods "I get it , you don't wanna say" he drives towards my house "at least you get it"

(Home) "thanks Brandon" I say "anytime , will you need a ride tomorrow?" He ask "to be honest, I'm not sure" I say "well just text me if you do" I nod and wave before he drives away . I walk into my house . It actually feels good to be ...... here

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