💔Chapter 10💔

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(30 minutes later) "you are the worst friend ever" Hazel yells as we sit on my couch "how?" I ask "you are replacing me with a group of boys" she says "I'm not replacing, I can have more than one friend" I state "oh now you wanna make me jealous?" She ask "I didn't even say that" I shout "oh maybe they aren't your friends but maybe fuck buddies" she chuckles "why would you say that"

I shake my head "what? Do you get pass around by them" she ask "I'm not like that" I tell her "hell feels like I don't even know you" she says "they are just friends" I roll my eyes "you are such a hoe" she nods "a hoe? Hazel are you serious" I'm shocked she would even say that

"keep getting passed around by them , I could care less about you" she stands up which makes me stand up "when you get your heartbroken don't call me" she demands . "I'll make sure your dad knows you are over here being a hoe , I'll give him a call"

She walks out and slams my front door. How could she ? That is not my friend . Hazel is crazy and toxic . And now my dad is gonna flip out on me. I really hope he doesn't come home early.

(4 hours later) (8:00) I wipe my tears in the mirror and my phone rings . I see my dads contact pop up and I'm so not ready for this . I pick the phone up and answer it "hello" i whisper "YOU ARE HOOKING UP WITH A BUNCH OF GUYS?!" He yells "dad no-" I get cut off "I knew you couldn't be trusted alone" he says "you are such a hoe , I'm glad someone like Hazel will tell me these things"
I shake my head "she's lying dad" I tell him "no she wouldn't lie , she cares about you and you are always such a bad friend to her" he adds

"I wonder what your mother thinks of this" he says "do not bring her into this" I demand "it's your fault she's gone" he says "HOW?" I yell "do not raise your voice at me young lady" he says "god I wish You were like Hazel" he says "how could you say that" I cry "look at you and look at her" he says "you are the worst dad ever" I sob "oh quit your crying already , it doesn't matter how you feel , you don't matter" he tells me and those words hit me right on my heart like a knife "you are the worse"

I shake my head "I still have 5 weeks left to be here plus another for some business somewhere else" he tells me "I don't want you being a hoe anymore , I told you use your car to school and back" I take a deep breath "if I find out you mess up again , when I come home there will be hell to pay" I hear the angrier in his voice and it makes me sick "fix your act" he says before he hangs up .

I throw my phone and I hope it didn't break. I begin to sob and I fall to the floor. I literally ruin everything and anything. I'm such a mess

(A/) - ⚠️⚠️WARNING!!!! The next event contains a suicide attempt so please skip if you can't read things like this. ‼️‼️‼️‼️

I grab the small box from under my sink and open it . I begin to cry more and more as I take the small blade knife out with already old blood on it from the last couple time . I roll my sleeve up to reveal the other cuts going up my left arm. The tears just fall making the bottom of my shirt wet.

I take the blade and put it against my arm making me sob a lot louder than I already was. My stomach begins to hurt and I just hurry up and do it "oww" I hiss In pain but at the same time it weirdly feels good. I grab a paper towel and hold it down to my new cut. My cries begins to slow down but I still can't stop crying.

(2 hours later) I pull my sleeve down and begin cry all over again . Luckily we don't have school tomorrow so I can just stay in bed all day tomorrow and not see anyone . I sit on the floor and try to control my cries. I need someone , I always think being alone will help me but I've gotten no where .
I grab my phone and click his contact then call him.
He answers right away "Sophia you never texted"

I sigh "Brandon can you come over" I cry "yeah yeah I'll be there , what's wrong" I hear the panic in his voice "just come over" I beg "I will right now" he says "I'll text you when I'm there" he says "just walk in , it will be open" I tell him "okay I'll see you soon , I promise"

(Later) I hear the downstairs front door open and I promised myself I would stop crying by the time he got here but I'm still doing it . I cover my face with my hands as my bedroom door opens . I feel him sit next to me and pull me into his arms "hey what's wrong" he ask "everything" I sob "okay okay you need to relax before you can talk to me" he runs his fingers through my hair trying to calm me down.

It's been about 5 minutes and I've calmed down enough to where I can speak . He lifts me up and looks at me. He grabs my arm making me flinch "ow" I whisper "what?" He ask "nothing" I sigh . "Did you?" I cut him off "let it go" I whisper
I back up as we are sitting on the floor "why were you crying" he ask "I want to give up" i whispered

"No don't say that" he pursed his lips and shook his head "why not" I mumble "talk to me" he begs "you invited me over , why?" He ask "because" i answer "because why?" He ask like he's trying to get something out of me "do you really care?" I ask

"Of course I care . I wouldn't have came here 10 at night if I didn't" he chuckles "okay" I whisper "I just invited you over cause I have no one else to talk to" I shake my head "I have no one , and it does seem like you care" I whisper "so are you gonna tell me what you really go through and how your life really is?" He ask and I look at him with my red puffy eyes "yeah"

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