Chapter 12

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I had gotten to work on time and I was feeling mighty excited since I had gotten a phone call from my agent, telling me that the $60 million penthouse that I had put an offer on, was mine and mine alone. I couldn’t wait for the day to be over with so I could enter that palace deemed an apartment. I was sitting in my office chair, with the windows open as I looked over Mr Mancini’s schedule for the week when my door was pushed open and Mr Mancini held onto the door handle. “my office. Now.” He demanded in the usual stern tone. 

I shot up to my feet and followed behind him, rushing to hear whatever he needed to talk about. His long strides were no match with my short tiny ones that struggled to keep up but I was somewhat used to walking behind a giant such as himself so I didn’t trip over myself like I always do. 

My heart was racing in my chest as I attempted to lubricate my throat to ease what I was about to say. I held out my glass for the soldier to refill with wine because I needed to be a little tipsy for what I was about to do. I couldn’t believe that this was really who I had become. I couldn’t believe that this was my task. 

I sat in the back of my custom extended Rolls Royce Phantom, looking out of the window at the houses that we were driving by. I looked at the beautiful homes with pretty lawns, the sun was just beginning to rise and nobody in their right mind had to be awake at this hour since everyone who stayed here was clearly individuals working 9-5’s. 

“Shut the door behind you. I have a job for you,” Mr Mancini stated as we entered and I did as told. I closed the door behind me while he went around his table to sit in his chair. He leaned back in the chair and looked at me, seeming relaxed and my heart was racing. 

I swallowed nervously, running my hands over the oversized gold satin blazer that I wore with the oversized gold satin pants that completed the pantsuit. This had to be my favourite outfit so far because it made me look great and feel great. I was only wearing a black corset beneath but you could barely see it and I completed the look with a pair of black point toe stilettos. “before you begin, sir, I’d like to tell you something.” He looked at me in silence and I knew that his time was of the essence and I needed to talk and fast. “I went out for dinner with my boyfriend last night, and I have reason to believe that Agent Moore might be following me. She found us dining and made some comments. I made sure not to give anything away, sir.”

His chair allowed him to lean back even further and it was more nerve-racking to have him lounge before me instead of sitting upright. He still gave me his full undivided attention. “that’s why I’ve called you in here. Miles Griffin is the director of the FBI and I’m going to need you to pass a message to him from us,” he gestured between the two of us, reminding me that I was a part of this. 

I adjusted my glasses on the bridge of my nose before I set the glass filled with wine in the cup holder. I briefly looked outside at the homes that were only getting larger and I knew that we were almost at the destination. I pulled out the hand mirror that I always had in my bag and looked at my reflection. 

I could see the chaos in my eyes and I knew that I had to rid myself of it. I couldn’t afford to be anything other than the person I was hired to be. I needed to not let my eyes be the window to my soul. I didn’t trust myself too well so I took off my glasses and swapped them for the cat eye shades that I was gifted by Roberto and Giovanni. I put them on and I was content with the result. 

I pulled out my red lipstick that I had tucked in the corner of my bag before I began to apply the expensive stick of paint to my lips, watching as my lips turned red. I lined them expertly and perfectly because I do this every day. I smacked my lips together, loving how my lips suddenly looked and I felt the car come to a stop. I looked outside the window at the biggest home in the neighbourhood and I smiled at the picture perfect home. 

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