Chapter 24

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I rarely ever had to go out to meet clients or do any kind of deliveries, but once in a while there was a high profile client that I was required to deliver to. I have flown to Lagos, Nigeria, and even Dubai, United Arab Emirates for those kind of high profile clients. There was never too much that was required. Maybe they would ask to share a drink or two which I didn’t refuse, but I never spent more than an hour with those clients so it wasn’t too much of a problem. Tonight was one of those nights where I was required to go into work and proceed with my nightshift, tell Baldovino that all was in order, and then head on out for a delivery. 

But at least this time, I had Paisley with me and she had me laughing until my sides hurt. “I kid you not, I had to take a shit right in front of that factory with all of the workers watching because I decided to have some ice-cream when I know too damn well that I’m lactose intolerant.” She bellowed as she and I uncontrollably chatted and laughed away at embarrassing stories. 

My soldiers sat quietly and stoic-like. At times it unnerved me how they seemed to just blend in and be invisible even right in front of me. “oh Paisley, that’s really embarrassing,” I said to her as I wiped a tear that escaped through my laughter. 

She nodded her head, “it really is, but I don’t really care. I mean, what else was I supposed to do?” 

“I don’t know, maybe excuse yourself to a bathroom, or at least take a dump in the corner of the factory instead of right at the entrance?”

“Hey, it was either squat and take a shit at the doors or shit in my pants which would have been even worse.”

I shook my head at her but smiled, “you really know how to make someone laugh,” I told her as I accepted a glass of whiskey from my soldier and began to drink the strong liquid, enjoying the burn down my throat. 

“So, who are we delivering the heart to?” she asked me. 

“His name is Adam Stanley and he’s a high profile CEO to one of the largest logistics companies in the country.” I was always informed about the client by my soldiers who made sure that I knew everything. Adam Stanley was a 73 year old man who was very successful and worth millions, and ran several illegal operations including funding the Ferrari Mafia and being the one who spreads word about where to find the best organ traders. He had several health problems and this wasn’t the first time that he needed an organ, but it would be his first heart transplant. 

The car began to slow down after I said those words and I looked outside, seeing that we were parked in an alleyway. The driver cut the engine and then there was silence in the car as we looked outside, and seconds later another car pulled into the other end of the alleyway. Their headlights flashed directly at us before they also cut the engine and blinked their lights twice in the signal that had been agreed upon. 

“Welp, that’s our cue,” I said with a smile as I looked at Paisley who gave me an excited grin back since this was the first time that she has been a part of such a thing. She says this kind of exciting work is reserved for the made men in the mafia. 

My soldiers opened both of the car doors, making it easier for Paisley and I to exit the vehicle. I was escorted out of the Rolls Royce by my soldiers and I walked around the car. I stood, letting the chilly air nip at my naked shoulders as I slipped on my lace gloves and then ran my hands over the black leather lace up corset dress that I was wearing. It was strapless and enhanced my cleavage, and it clung onto me like second skin. I paired the look with a pair of black leather point toe red bottoms. I took the silver case that had the heart, standing straight as I began to walk away from my Rolls Royce and towards the client. Paisley somehow fell into step besides me and I looked at her, noticing that she was wearing a pair of black leather leggings and a black fitted crop top that exposed her six pack and hardened stomach. She was wearing a pair of black ankle boot heels and her hair was in a high bun. 

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