Heat and Frost - Loki Laufeyson

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It had been like this ever since the experiments. You had difficulty remembering what happened in the nightmares, but it was always there. You would be strapped to a table just like how you had been when you were held captive. You felt cold needles prick you all over, never knowing where the next one would come from. You remembered hands reaching out from the darkness that surrounded you, and your heart beating out of your chest. Then you'd wake up. Scared, sweaty, hyperventilating, and your powers having a field day while you were facing the terror of your memories. Hands glowing, scorch marks on your bedsheets, and steam coming off of your freshly showered hair.

This happened every night since you escaped. Steve and Bucky tried to help as much as possible, but there's only so much they could do. Bucky was dealing with his own PTSD-induced nightmares, and thankfully he didn't have any powers to deal with. Steve did what he could, but you didn't want to put him in danger because you had no clue how to control your powers while having a nightmare. They were great people to talk to the following morning, to help calm your anxiety and just be a shoulder to lean on, but you couldn't have them with you in the moment, for either their safety or for the sake of not being a burden.

That is where Loki came into play.

You had been on a mission out of town, and you ended up having to share a room. Even though he insisted you took the bed, you slept on the floor. You didn't want to risk damaging the sheets of the hotel, but no one other than Steve, Bucky, and Natasha knew about your nightmares, so Loki thought you were just being stubborn.

"I don't see why you insist on sleeping on the floor." He said with a huff, crossing his arms. You had been bickering about this for at least 10 minutes now.

"I don't see why you insist of sleeping on the floor either, but here we are." you huffed back, also crossing your arms to mirror him.

"You're too stubborn for your own good. I'm trying to be nice here."

"As am I. If anything we're both equally stubborn. Look... if you really don't want to sleep on the bed, we can both sleep on the floor. I hate sleeping on a bed that isn't mine, so I'll sleep on the floor no matter what. If you're really too stubborn to take the bed then you can set something up for yourself on the ground too. So just, figure out what you want to do, and do it. I couldn't care less what you do." You say with a final huff, grabbing a pillow from the bed and setting it on the ground where you intend to sleep. You reached into your travel bag, and pulled out your pajamas before walking to the bathroom.

"Y/n-" he started.

"Nope. I'm changing and then going to bed. Right there," you pointed at the pillow on the ground. "And that will not change. So either take the bed, sleep on the floor, or figure something else out." You closed the door behind you, leaning back against it. You didn't like arguing, with anyone, but especially him. He loved to argue, and he was incredibly good at it too. Probably had something to do with him being the so-called God of Mischief.

After changing into your pajamas, which consisted of bike shorts and a thin, breathable t-shirt (to help combat your overheating), and brushing your teeth, you walked back out into the room, pulling your hair up in a ponytail. You saw him, already in his pajamas (just boxer shorts, no shirt), sitting on the bed reading a book. Assuming he had finally decided to take the bed, you smiled slightly, knowing that you had not only won the argument, but that you'd be alone on the floor, which was a relief.

You hadn't shared a room with someone since coming back. You were too scared of hurting someone, since you were never sure of exactly what happened when you were asleep. Needless to say you were anxious about this. You were worried something would go wrong and you'd still hurt him even though he was further away, and even though he annoyed you, you didn't want to hurt him. You were also nervous for another reason, although this one you'd lie to yourself about for as long as possible. You hated to admit it, but over time, you had begun to develop a crush on the god during this past year as mission partners. You hoped it would just go away on it's own, and you thought you were doing better, but this was the first time you had had to share a room with him, and you quickly realized you were trying to hide those feelings with the extra attitude.

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